How can I cancel my subscription on Project Plan 365?
To cancel your subscription from App Store please follow the instruction from Apple Support. We have no access to your account and cannot reach them on your behalf.
To cancel your subscription from Microsoft Store please follow the instruction from Microsoft Store. We have no access to your account and cannot reach them on your behalf.
If you started a trial on our website and you don’t want to be charged when it expires, please go in our Online Portal and in Account page click on the Cancel Subscription button. Click on Stop Auto-Renewal button. Select a reason and a comment then click on the Stop Auto-Renewal button. You will receive a confirmation email of canceling the Auto-Renewal.
You can also cancel Auto-Renewal for the trial period from the Billing page, in the “Subscription Information” section click the “Manage subscription renewal options”. A dialog will be displayed where you can click the “Stop Auto-Renewal” button, then to enter a reason why you want to stop the Auto-Renewal and click the “Stop Auto-Renewal” button again. You will receive a confirmation email of canceling the Auto-Renewal.
Please note that if you don’t cancel your trial before it expires you will be automatically charged for the number of subscriptions you assigned in the trial period. The subscription period will automatically renew unless you turn it off no later than 48 hours before the end of the current period. To cancel automatic renewal or manage your subscriptions, read the Cancel Subscription online help article.
If you purchased a subscription from our website and you want to cancel the Auto-Renewal, go to Project Plan 365 Portal, click the “Billing” tab and in the “Subscription Information” section click the “Manage subscription renewal options”. A dialog will be displayed where you can click the “Stop Auto-Renewal” button, then to enter a reason why you want to stop the Auto-Renewal and click the “Stop Auto-Renewal” button again. You will receive a confirmation email of canceling the Auto-Renewal.
Note that if you cancel the Auto-Renewal, you will have to manually renew the subscriptions to avoid service interruption.