IOS Gesture

Online Help > IOS Gesture

What does the “iOS Gesture” functionality mean? 

The “iOS Gesture” functionality means you can use gestures specific to iOS mobile devices in our Project Plan 365 app.

What does “Gesture” mean? 

Gestures include touch mechanics (what your fingers do on the screen) and touch activities (results of specific gestures).

What does “touch mechanic” mean? 

touch mechanic may cause different outcomes, depending on the context in which it is used. For example, a long press may select an element like a list item.

What does “touch activities” mean? 

touch activity may be achieved through combining multiple touch mechanics. For example, by using the touch mechanics of pinch open, double-touch, or double-touch and dragging, a user may zoom in on a view.

Available gestures in our iOS applications:

Grid Gantt Chart , Tracking Gantt, Task Sheet and Resource Sheet view:
 Actions made
 Double tap on header of a column
 Column definition dialog
 Tap on header of column
 Column resize cursor appear
 Drag column resize icon
 Resize column
 Double tap on resize icon
 Wrap text
 Long tap on a column and drag
 Column move
 Double tap on a task/resource
 Open Task/Resource information dialog
 Tap on row/cell/column
 Selection of row/cell/column
 Tap on a selected cell
 Start editing
 Long press on a task
 Contextual menu
 Pinch gesture
 Scroll amount varies based on velocity of gesture:  drag with one finger
 Scroll Up/Down
 Long tap on a cell
 Popover for Delete
On Gantt Chart view or Tracking Gantt view
 Actions made
 Double tap on timescale
 Timescale dialog
 Double tap on a bar
 Task information
 Pinch gesture
 Double tap on resize icon
 Wrap text
 Scroll amount varies based on velocity of gesture: drag with one finger
 Scroll Up/Down
 Tap on a cell(predecessor, resource...)
 Start editing
In open/save on device file picker
 Actions made
 Long tap on a file
 Popover for delete that file