Lesson 2: Lab 1 Create Commercial Construction Plan
Using Project Plan 365 for PC/Server application, create a project plan describing the construction of an office building. This should cover the scheduling phase of your project. Perform in order the following steps:
- Step 1: Define general settings for your project regarding date format, currency and text styles (see Practice section from General Settings topic)
- Step 2: Set the start date of your project (see Practice section from Set Project Start Date topic)
- Step 3: Set the default type for the tasks in your project (see Practice section from Select Default Schedule Type topic)
- Step 4: Define the tasks in your project and enter the WBS (tasks list) (see Practice section from Create New Task (WBS) topic)
- Step 5: Create the milestones of your project to better track your project progress (see Practice section from Create Milestone topic)
- Step 6: Add recurring tasks in your project (see Practice section from Add Recurring Tasks topic)
- Step 7: Add constraints to your tasks in your project to beteer fit your scheduling needs (see Practice section from Constraints topic)
- Step 8: Create the outline of your project and indent the tasks to reflect main phases from your project (see Practice section from Outline Tasks topic)
- Step 9: Create a copy of it and paste it under a different summary task (see Practice section from Insert/Delete/Move/Copy topic)
- Step 10: Link the tasks from your project to create dependencies among them in order to reflect relationships between your tasks (see Practice section from Link and Unlink Tasks topic)
- Step 11: Modify the type of a task from your project to better reflect your scheduling needs (see Practice section from Modify Task Type topic)
- Step 12: See the task mode of your tasks (see Practice section from Task Mode topic)
At the end of these steps, you should obtain a project plan like CommercialConstruction_lesson2.