Import from XMind

Online Help > Import from XMind

If you started your project in XMind but need to manage more complex schedules, resource sharing, and tracking, you’re probably ready to move your data into Project Plan 365. You can do this by using the Import from XMind functionality.

What is XMind?

XMind is a mind mapping software that supports mind maps, tree diagrams, fishbone diagrams, spreadsheets, organization charts, etc.

How do I import a project from XMind?

To import a project from XMind please make sure that you exported your work from XMind into MPP format. In Project Plan 365 click File - Import – Import from XMind. In the Open dialog which appears select Projects (.mpp). Select the desired file and press Open.

What is Mind mapping?

Mind Mapping is a graphical way to represent ideas and concepts.

Step by step on how to import a project from XMind:

1. Make sure you exported your work from XMind into MPP format.

2. In Project Plan 365, click FileImport.

3. Select Import from XMind..


4. In the Open dialog which appears select Projects (.mpp) so that all your MPP files exported from MindManager will be visible in the dialog.

5. After you select the desired file press Open and your XMind file will be opened in Project Plan 365.
