Set Lead and Lag Times

Project Plan 365 provides an easy way to add Lead or Lag Times to tasks in order to have a more organized schedule development of your Project Plan.

Setting Lead and Lag times offers you more flexibility in scheduling tasks.

Fully-featured free 30-day trial, with tons of support!

Set Lead and Lag Times

Benefits of Setting Lead and Lag Times

• Adding Lead or Lag Times to a task, offers project managers flexibility in schedule development of their .MPP Plan.

Lead and Lag Times are an input to determine a Critical Path.

• Setting Lead and Lag Times ensure a proper and efficient scheduling of your MS Project Plan activities.

• The Lead and Lag Times feature can be used in any type of task dependency available in Project Plan 365.

Setting Lead and Lag Times works on any operating system such as Windows, Mac, iOS, Android or any web browser: Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Edge, etc.
