Lesson 3: Lab 2 Refine Commercial Construction Plan
Lab 2 - Refine Commercial Construction Plan
Using Project Plan 365 for PC/Server application, work on refining the commercial construction project created during Lab 1 - Create Commercial Construction Plan. Perform in order the following steps:
- Step 1: Look over the early and late fields for the tasks in your project (see Practice section from Early and Late Fields topic)
- Step 2: Analyze the existing slack in your project (see Practice section from Slack topic)
- Step 3: Detect the critical tasks and analyze the critical path of your project (see Practice section from Critical Path topic)
- Step 4: Specify deadlines for some of your tasks such that you don't miss important dates (see Practice section from Task Deadline topic)
- Step 5: Move your project to another start date in case there is a delay occuring in your project (see Practice section from Move Project topic)
- Step 6: Add resources to your project, required in order to complete your tasks (see Practice section from Create Resources topic)
At the end of these steps, you should obtain a project plan like CommercialConstruction_lesson3