Fixes on Project Plan 365 for iOS
Version History
25.7 | March 5 2025 |
- Fixed issue with the Get Started/Subscription Options dialog appearing after Signing Up while having a subscription from Store
24.19 | November 12 2024 |
- Fixed issue with the right popover not being big enough to be able to sign out
- Fixed issue with app crashing when using real time-collaboration with saving on drive
- Fixed issue with app crashing on Dashboard when using some features
- Fixed issue with app crashing when clicking on the Insert Recurring Task in Real Time Collaboration
- Fixed issue with the iPad's default Status Bar being invisible
- Fixed issue with app crashing when connecting the mouse and clicking twice on the Sign In icon on the right corner of the app
- Fixed issue with app not opening the project from Portal if we are signed in with another email address inside the app
- Fixed issue with app crashing when opening a shared project when the user is Signed In with a different email
- Fixed issue with a shared project being opened empty
- Fixed issue with app crashing when opening a project from a shared link
- Fixed issue with app crashing when Signing Up on iPhone
24.10 | June 7 2024 |
- Fixed issue with not being able to open password protected files in iPad and iPhone
- Fixed issue with new custom reports not being saved
- Fixed issue with error appearing when importing a smartsheet file on iPad and iPhone
- Fixed issue with app crashing when exporting reports generated on an XML/MPP file
- Fixed issue with app crashing when clicking the Share icon from the report page on iPad
- Fixed issue with not being able to connect to real time collaboration on iPad
- Fixed issue with Enhanced Calendar view appearing in View on iPad
- Fixed issue with MPP created on iPhone app not being correctly displayed
- Fixed issue with not being able to sign out immediately after sign in
- Fixed issue with templates PDFs not being able to be saved to local files when printing to PDF on iPad
- Fixed issue with files saved to Dropbox having "%20" in the name on iPad
23.13 | December 14 2023 |
- Fixed issue with the right popover not being big enough to be able to sign out
- Fixed issue with Project Status Report not being fully visible in Info/Status menu
- Fixed issue with the information in the User Activity dialog not being entirely visible
- Fixed issue with the keyboard closing and exiting edit mode when tapping the Return button on full virtual keyboard on iPad
- Fixed issue with the "Search" field not being displayed properly when opening the dropdown in the Predecessors dialog
23.11 | September 5 2023 |
- Fixed issue with not being able to change Resource units from Task information
- Fixed issue with just Division folder appearing when opening from Drive 365 cloud
- Fixed issue with saving/opening files on Drive 365 not working
- Fixed issue with creating a new project from file picker in Drive 365 cloud not functioning
23.7 | June 27 2023 |
- Fixed issue with not being able to access Dropbox cloud storage
23.4 | March 2 2023 |
- Fixed issue with Share functionality appearing in Real-Time collaboration mode after some actions on iPad
- Fixed issue with not being able to save project in cloud folders on iPad
- Fixed issue with Save button being disabled when a cloud folder is selected when saving a project on iPad
- Fixed issue with project not opening from clouds by just tapping on a file on iPad
- Fixed issue with app crashing when using the Sort By functionality on Gantt Chart View on iPhone
- Fixed issue with cursor being moved in indicators cell not in next task name cell when typing a new task then pressing enter
- Fixed issue with application crashing when inserting the actual duration column
- Fixed issue with the Project Plan 365 icon appearing over the Purchase Additional name
- Fixed issue with a white space appearing in Gantt Chart view on landscape mode on iPhone
- Fixed issue with the Save As field appearing wrong after switching from portrait to landscape and having the keyboard displayed on the screen on iPad
- Fixed issue with some information missing from the About – Help dialog on iPhone
- Fixed issue with trial bar translation in French language
- Fixed issue with a white space appearing in the Sign Up dialog after starting a Complete Editor subscription on iPhone
- Fixed issue with Sign In dialog appearing wrong when switching from landscape mode to portrait mode on iPhone
- Fixed issue with the buttons in the Share dialogs not being fully visible in landscape mode on iPhone
- Fixed issue with UI when switching from landscape to portrait mode on iPhone
- Fixed issue with scroll not working in the Erix - Show my project info menu on iPad
- Fixed issue with Using Resource dialog in the To do List reports not being cantered
- Fixed issue with buttons overlapping in Ribbon only when using the mouse on iPad
- Fixed issue with app crashing when exporting report from an XML file
- Fixed issue with language Picker disappearing in Options dialog on iPhone
- Fixed issue with app crashing when pressing on the space key in the % complete stepper
- Fixed issue with app crashing when entering a big value in the Work field
- Fixed issue with "Add Predecessors" button not being aligned on landscape mode on iPhone
- Fixed issue with the Duration field not being visible in the All Tasks View after switching to landscape mode on iPhone
- Fixed issue with UI stepper editor on iPad
- Fixed issue with app crashing when deleting a resource in a Dashboard file on iPad
- Fixed issue with formatting from the Resource Sheet view disappearing when deleting a resource, on Dashboard View on iPad
- Fixed issue with not being able to view a Dashboard with browsed files that contains diacritics in name on iPad
- Fixed issue with User column and the person icon being positioned wrong in User Activity dialog on iPad
- Fixed issue with icon being position wrong in cell in Resource column on iPad
22.42 | December 13 2022 |
- Fixed issue with app crashing when creating a dashboard file
- Fixed issue with app crashing on a dashboard when switching off/on Enable risk management
- Fixed issue with the Export to Image dialog appearing twice
- Fixed issue with keyboard reopening after setting values in fields using popover and closing the keyboard
- Fixed issue with language picker not being fully visible when keyboard is on screen
- Fixed issue with "Font" option not working on Resource Sheet/Task Sheet views on iPad
- Fixed issue with app crashing when using Indent/Outdent in real time collaboration
- Fixed issue with calendar info label missing in Options dialog in Russian
- Fixed issue with date value from the Date Modified field not changing according to the time zone set on the device in Box cloud
- Fixed issue with the names from the New tab not being fully cantered on iPad
- Fixed issue with app cashing after deleting the "Add Task" or "Add Resource" button on iPhone
- Fixed issue with app crashing when creating a new table with the "Outline Code" fields on iPad
- Fixed issue with the "Delete Account" button not disappearing if we click on the "X" button
- Fixed issue with app crashing when indenting 2 tasks with the same predecessors
- Fixed issue with app crashing when clicking Undo after inserting a task then using Indent
22.37 | November 8 2022 |
- Fixed issue with app crashing when trying to type in the search bar for predecessors in Task Information dialog
- Fixed issue with app crashing when changing the start and finish dates before the project start date
- Fixed issue with file not opening when it was saved on Calendar view
- Fixed issue with Subproject file from local device master being damaged after saving and cannot be reopened on iPad
- Fixed issue with not being able to add another license from the Manage Team dialog
- Fixed issue with the icons for the Manage Team and Import team are inverted on iPad
- Fixed issue with the Delete and Open buttons are overlapped on iPad
22.28 | September 9 2022 |
- Fixed issue with wrong message appearing when trying to open a deleted file from Drive365
- Fixed issue with Task Range/Date Range filters not showing the correct tasks on iPhone
- Fixed issue with app crashing when clicking on the Menus button while "Email Sent!" message is on the screen
- Fixed issue with message that we don't have permissions to access the project not appearing when signing in with an email address not part of the team
- Fixed issue with message that we don't have permissions to access a project not appearing when trying to open a file from a division with an account that doesn't have access to that division
- Fixed issue with being redirected to our website when clicking on the "Download Project Plan 365" button
- Fixed issue with receiving a save alert when creating a new master file and saving it on Drive 365
22.20 | June 29 2022 |
- Fixed issue with some features being available in rTc mode
- Fixed issue with Gantt not being refreshed after changing the first day of the week from the Options dialog
- Fixed issue with Siri answering “Sorry, something went wrong” when asking him to show Project Status for a project saved in a cloud location
- Fixed issue with app crashing after signing up and saving a file to Drive365
22.17 | May 10 2022 |
- Fixed issue with Predecessors and Resources sections from Task Info not being fully visible in Landscape Mode on iPhone
- Fixed issue with app remaining in Account Info page after Signing In after opening file from Recent Projects or URL on iPad
- Fixed issue with application closing when opening a password protected file and clicking the Cancel button in the Password Protected dialog
- Fixed issue with new projects created from Templates having the start date hour - 12:00 AM on iPad
- Fixed issue with OK button from Register dialog not being visible on iPad
- Fixed issue with task names not appearing in grid on a particular file on iPad
- Fixed issue with no information being displayed in grid on iPad
22.10 | February 22 2022 |
- Fixed issue with app crashing when repeatedly tapping in the "Start" cell on iPad
- Fixed issue with app crashing when changing the date format and editing a file on iPad
- Fixed issue with app crashing after typing invalid characters in the "Per use cost" field on iPhone
- Fixed issue with app crashing when signing out from Drive365 on iPhone
- Fixed issue with wrong date format applying to tasks on iPad
- Fixed issue with app crashing when having no internet connection and closing the “Add Member” dialog from Team tab
- Fixed issue with print to PDF feature blocking the app
- Fixed issue with import from CSV feature blocking the app on iPhone
- Fixed issue with app crashing when setting the 0 value in the 'Hours per day/week' field in Options dialog
- Fixed issue with app remaining in loading if the user is signed in but there is no internet connection when the app is opened
- Fixed issue with a black header appearing when scrolling up/down on iPhone
- Fixed issue with dropdown list overlapping with home bar on iPad
- Fixed issue with Project Calendar info label not appearing in Spanish and Russian
- Fixed issues with Find and Replace buttons appearing under Undo after few actions on iPad
- Fixed issue with wrong dialog sizes on iPad
- Fixed issue with Dashboard’s “Type Name” dialog not resizing after hiding the keyboard on iPad
- Fixed issue with “More” menu being stuck on iPad
- Fixed issue with Find and Insert arrow buttons disappearing from the “More” button popover on iPad
- Fixed issue with app’s new black header background overlapping app’s view name/dialog names
- Fixed issue with app being in Read Only Mode when Signing In from Drive 365 with an active account on iPhone
- Fixed issue with app crashing when Signing In and Out multiple times to Google Drive on iPhone
- Fixed issue with file opened from device not being overwritten correctly when saving it on iPhone
- Fixed issue with receiving the file that is open inside the application when sharing a file from Project Explorer on iPad
- Fixed issue with app crashing when opening an excel file on iPhone
- Fixed issue with password dialog appearing after saving a password protected file and opening a New blank project on iPad
- Fixed issue with app crashing when changing the date format and editing a file on iPhone
- Fixed issue with resources not appearing overallocated in the Resource Sheet view on iPhone
- Fixed issue with an error appearing when opening a file from SharePoint Task list on iPhone
- Fixed issue with file name not being correct when saving as to local device on iPad
- Fixed issue with and error message appearing when trying to create a new blank project after importing a broken Excel File on iPhone
- Fixed issue with saving as a file to SharePoint task list with a Standard Subscription on iPhone
22.5 | January 25 2022 |
- Fixed issue with "Tap here" button not appearing in Siri Tab on portrait mode on non-EN languages
- Fixed issue with UI on iPhone devices after iPhone 11
- Fixed issue with ”Return” button not working when typing in the "Password" in Protect Editing fields
- Fixed issue with not-EN translation for “Tap here” button from Siri Tab on iPhone
- Fixed issue with app crashing when using Resource Usage View on iPhone
- Fixed issue with dividing bar cursor being under the home bar on iPhone
- Fixed issue with random tasks appearing when adding a new task after collapsing summary tasks on iPhone
- Fixed issue with app crashing when inserting new tasks after collapsing summary tasks on iPhone
- Fixed issue with Open and Save dialogs not being internationalized
- Fixed issue with file name section being too low and not cantered in the Save As Tab on iPhone
- Fixed issue with info not being fully visible and some text truncated in the Options – Protect Plan section on iPhone
- Fixed issue with additional functionalities appearing in Real-Time Collaboration Mode on iPhone
- Fixed issue with saving file name with a string containing '/' character
- Fixed issue with wrong message appearing when asking Siri the command to "Show Project Status" and signing out from the application
- Fixed issue with the "Search task" text box and task details not being internationalized on iOS
- Fixed issue with Recent and Open tab scroll views being too short on iPhone 7 and iPhone 8 Plus
- Fixed issue with “Open Sample Project” button not being aligned in Open Tab
- Fixed issue with app asking to save project when trying to close it after saving it using Save button on iPhone
- Fixed issue with app crashing when copy-pasting a project and the project summary task is visible
- Fixed issue with “Purchase Additional Subscriptions” dialog not being cantered om Project Viewer 365 app in backstage
- Fixed issue with app crashing when selecting the task with ID 0 and pressing "Paste" on iPad
- Fixed issue with new file created directed in file explorer project start date being September 2018 on iPad
- Fixed issue with app crashing when applying filter using resource on iPhone
21.36 | November 8 2021 |
- Fixed issue with “Add Team Member” and “Manage Team” dialogs appearing in Portal page
- Fixed issue with app remaining in loading if we don't accept "Select what Project Plan 365 can access" when Signing in with Google Drive
- Fixed issue with “Start Date” field changing when modifying the “Schedule Mode” from the Task Information dialog
- Fixed issue with Google home page appearing after Sign Up and not being able to open/save files or sign in with google drive
- Fixed issue with wrong message appearing when trying to open files from Drive365 with a Free Read-Only account
- Fixed issue with starting a Business one-month trial on iPad and app crashing after Sign Up/Sign In
- Fixed issue with iPhone app crashing when selecting Project Information on iOS 13
- Fixed issue with app crashing when multiple null tasks are added
- Fixed issue with opening MPP files from Files or from iCloud
- Fixed issue with app crashing on iPad Start one month trial Sign Out/Sign In process
- Fixed issue with saving text field being covered by home bar on some phones
- Fixed issue with Sign Up dialog closing and the “Almost there” and “Add Team Member” dialogs appear
- Fixed issue with app crashing when there is no internet connection and the user tries to open a file from cloud (Drive 365)
- Fixed issue with "Clear History" and "Cancel"/"Yes" buttons not being internationalized
- Fixed issue with app crashing when Signing In with Google Account
- Fixed issue with not being able to edit Std Rate for resources on iPhone
- Fixed issue with Max Units not being applied to resources on iPhone
- Fixed issue with "Start no earlier than" constraint type applying to the tasks even if selecting another one
- Fixed issue with "Finish No later Than" constraint type applying to the tasks even if selecting another one
- Fixed issue with app crashing when generating the "Should Have Started Tasks" report
- Fixed issue with "Sign In” button intersecting with other labels in purchase dialog
- Fixed issue with a message appearing when opening/saving files in Google Drive and when Signing Up/Signing In with Google Account
- Fixed issue with app crashing when typing a non valid value in the Std Rate field
21.21 | September 1 2021 |
- Fixed issue with the dropdown menus appearing wrong for Start/Finish/Filters/Working Time
- Fixed issue with installing new version using Update
- Fixed issue with internet connection not being recognized correctly on iOS 14.6 (causing clouds to not work properly)
- Fixed issue with Move Project Dialog opening twice on iPhone
- Fixed issue with the dropdown to search for a resource appearing wrong on iPhone - landscape mode
- Fixed issue with app closing when tapping on "Add Resource" and then on the "Cancel" button
- Fixed issue with iPhone app automatically Signing you in
21.15 | June 30 2021 |
- Fixed issue with Delete button missing from contextual menu on Dropbox and SharePoint on iPad
- Fixed issue with not being able to expand subprojects in master files on iPad
- Fixed issue with not being able to create master projects on iPad
- Fixed issue with Restoring Editor subscription on iPhone
- Fixed issue with starting subscription after one expired subscription
- Fixed issue with the Task Calendar to display the value of the project calendar instead of “None”
- Fixed issue with Signing In with third party in Open/Save Drive 365
- Fixed issue with authentication WebView not behaving correctly
- Fixed issue with iOS app not responding when processing transaction from Updated Transactions if their number is bigger than 1
- Fixed issue with Delete button missing from contextual menu when Opening from Local Device
21.7 | March 9 2021 |
- Fixed issue with expand/collapse arrow being to small in "All Tasks" view
- Fixed issue with View Bar not being visible
- Fixed issue with cell not being visible when entering in edit mode
- Fixed issue with +/- buttons not functioning properly
- Fixed issue with not being able to save a project to Drive 365
- Fixed issue with alert not appearing when subscription could not be restored
- Fixed issue with app crashing when pressing “Open” button without choosing a file from local device
- Fixed issue with not being able to open the shared file using the “URL” method
- Fixed issue with not being able to open from Excel files
- Fixed issue with app crashing when using keyboard
- Fixed issue with app crashing on Open from SharePoint Task List
20.25 | October 21 2020 |
- Fixed app crash when opening the “About” dialog on iPhone
- Fixed issue with “Timescale” dialog crashing on iPhone
- Fixed issue with “Are you still using this project” message appearing multiple times in “Collaborate” mode on iPhone
- Fixed issue with dialogs not being displayed properly
- Fixed issue with “About” dialog not being visible
- Fixed issue with app crashing when selecting “Indent” option from the contextual menu when a group is applied
- Fixed issue with app crashing when hiding the keyboard after making changes in “Task Information” dialog
- Fixed issue with keyboard not responding when adding new fields in “Edit Table” dialog and then hiding it
- Fixed issue with text overlapping in “Resource Names” column
- Fixed issue with file not opening in “Collaborate” mode immediately
20.18 | May 20 2020 |
- Fixed issue with signing our from SharePoint site not working
- Fixed issue with view auto-scrolling at the top of the project after using Undo/Redo options
- Fixed issue with the icon of a team member not appearing in grid
- Fixed issue with Constraint Date changing when removing Constraint Type
- Fixed issue with Column Definition dialog closes the Options Dialog on Cancel
- Fixed issue with Share Link message closes the backstage
- Fixed issue with labels in Print dialog aren’t internationalized
- Fixed issue with all reports categories titles aren’t internationalized
- Fixed issue with app crashing when opening file with URL
- Fixed issue with Authentication dialog not being internationalized
- Fixed issue with buttons from SharePoint dialog not being centered
- Fixed issue with Statistics button not being aligned
- Fixed issue with Pickers/Date Pickers/Text Views from Filters/Reports not being centered
- Fixed issue with Add Resource option not being internationalized in Task Information dialog
- Fixed issue with Add Predecessor option not being internationalized in Task Information dialog
- Fixed issue with All Resources view not being internationalized
- Fixed issue with “Export” option being enabled on Reports
- Fixed issue with app closes when clicking on Sign Out from Drive365
- Fixed issue with app crashing when exporting New Business Plan template to XML
- Fixed issue with text appearing overlapped in preview for some reports
- Fixed issue with app crashing on Date Range filter
20.9 | February 19 2020 |
- Fixed issue with Team Members not being displayed in resource control in Task Info
- Fixed issue with units being removed when assigning resources from Assign New Team Member dialog
- Fixed issue with Assign Team Members/Resources option should be disabled for task 0
- Fixed issue with dialog not appearing on Current Sprint/Current Sprint Remaining tasks filters
- Fixed Export Reports to CSV issues
- Fixed issue with Reports from “Custom” being different from “Current Activities”
- Fixed issue with save message appearing when saving a file from Google Drive
- Fixed issue with app crashing on “Export to Image” on Resource Usage view
- Fixed issue with app crashing on “Export to PDF” on Task Usage view
- Fixed issue with “Should Start/Finish by” filter not working
- Fixed issue with “Created After” filter not working
- Fixed issue with app crashing on “All Resources” filter
- Fixed issue with “Using Resource” filter not working
- Fixed issue with “Manage Team Members” dialog not appearing in backstage
- Fixed issue with Share as PDF not always working
- Fixed issue with app not responding when sharing a project from Drive365 as .MPP
- Fixed issue with app crashing on “Save to Device” on particular file
- Fixed issue with app crashing on import from Excel
- Fixed issue with tasks being automatically moved to project start date when moved to the left in Gantt
20.3 | January 20 2020 |
- Fixed issue with attention message not appearing when pressing on Assign Resource when no task is selected
- Fixed issue with Text Styles/Font dialog not being internationalized
- Fixed issue with Group By not displaying attention message on Team Planner view
- Fixed issue with adding the same Risk Value doesn’t show attention message
- Fixed issue with app crashing on Indent/Outdent on Task 0
- Fixed issue with view being scrolled to the first task after an edit is made in grid
- Fixed issue with Get Started not appearing on Subprojects – Computer in Free Read Only
- Fixed issue with the view doesn’t auto resize after we make a change in grid
19.55 | November 19 2019 |
- Fixed issue with app crashing on Romanian language
- Fixed issue with app crashing when signing out from Clouds
- Fixed issue with app crashing when signing out from Sharepoint
19.50 | October 18 2019 |
- Fixed issue with files not being arranged alphabetically in File Picker
- Fixed issue with opening files from One Drive for Business not working
- Fixed issue with dropdown to select resources type not appearing on Resource Sheet view
- Fixed issue with save as dialog appearing wrong on iPhone
- Fixed issue with Subprojects should be disabled on some views
- Fixed issue with move project not working
- Fixed issue with Group being disabled on Team Planner view
- Fixed issue with critical path being disabled on Tracking Gantt view
- Fixed issue with not being able to save a file in Google Drive if it was open more than 1 hour
- Fixed issue with signing in with Google account in Dropbox
- Fixed issue with filter Cost Greater Than not working
- Fixed issue with dropdown from Select Sprint filter not being displayed
- Fixed issue with app crashing when signing out from Google Drive
- Fixed issue with delay field not supported on Overallocated resources report
- Fixed issue with Date Range filter not working
- Fixed issue with Resource Range filter not working
- Fixed issue with delay field not supported on Who Does What reports
- Fixed issue with resources not being arranged like in MSP
- Fixed issue with Move Project
19.35 | August 22 2019 |
- Fixed issue with app crashing on resources type reports
- Fixed issue with empty pages in report preview
- Fixed issue with app crashing on Edit/Delete buttons
- Fixed issue with custom reports – select field not internationalized
- Fixed issue with error appearing on customized reports
- Fixed issue with app crashing on new created reports
- Fixed issue with Burndown report not being internationalized in Spanish
- Fixed issue with app crashing when changing chart type
- Fixed issue with text being overlapped on Bar Chart preview
- Fixed issue with S-curve report not being internationalized
- Fixed issue with wrong pagination on custom reports
- Fixed issue with app crashing on Export to CSV for Reports
- Fixed issue with Internet Connection is down when opening a file
- Fixed issue with Using resource dialog appearing when opening a file
- Fixed issue with app crashing when pressing Cancel in Using resource dialog
- Fixed issue with Gantt Chart being empty on phone for files with default items displayed
- Fixed issue with opening xl files from Google Drive doesn’t work
- Fixed issue with save as file in One Drive for business doesn’t work
- Fixed issue with Changing language from Options needs warning message
- Fixed issue with insert recurring tasks on first row not working
- Fixed issue with Find task dialog should be renamed
- Fixed issue with Standard rate and per use cost not being editable in Resource Info dialog
- Fixed issue with insert new risk value issue not working
- Fixed issue with Risk view not appearing in views popover
- Fixed issue with Risk alert not appearing in More Views dialog
- Fixed issue with Export to Excel should be disabled on Network Diagram view
- Fixed issue with Export to Excel should be disabled on Team Planner view
- Fixed issue with app crashing on Export to image on Resource Usage view
- Fixed issue with find by test “doesn’t contain” doesn’t work fine
- Fixed issue with find by test “equals” doesn’t work fine
- Fixed issue with find by ID doesn’t work fine
- Fixed issue with find by name doesn’t work fine
- Fixed issue with find by resource name doesn’t work fine
- Fixed issue with find by wrong data doesn’t work fine
- Fixed issue with find by notes doesn’t work fine
- Fixed issue with import from XML need to be added in File menu – Import
- Fixed issue with custom tab not being added in Resource Info dialog
- Fixed issue with multiline notes appearing wrong in Notes column
- Fixed issue with notes appearing with “….” In Notes column
- Fixed issue with task mode can’t be edited in grid on non-EN languages
- Fixed issue with split task not working
- Fixed issue with Custom tab missing from Task Info dialog
- Fixed issue with Undo/Redo not working if we hide a column
- Fixed issue with resources appearing with wrong ID
- Fixed issue with show outline number duplicate
- Fixed issue with save message not appearing when we press Open
- Fixed issue with Gridlines labels not being internationalized
19.21 | May 14 2019 |
- Fixed issue with Internet connection is down when opening file
- Fixed issue with using resource dialog appearing when opening a file
- Fixed issue with app crashing when we press Cancel in Using Resource dialog
- Fixed issue with Gantt Chart being empty on phone for files with default items displayed
19.18 | April 23 2019 |
- Fixed More Tables, More Filters and More Groups dialogs not looking like in HPP
- Fixed missing options from Outline tab
- Fixed issue with buttons that weren’t visible in popover on different languages
- Fixed issue with missing arrows for Sort, Filter, Group and Outline tabs
- Fixed issue with buttons from Open tab in backstage not looking like in HPP
- Fixed issue with file that wasn’t saving with the view selected
- Fixed issue with Sign Out button not entirely visible on other languages
- Fixed issue with save as option not appearing after Signing Out from Cloud
- Fixed issue with Recent button not internationalized on IPhone app
- Fixed issue with buttons overlapped in Backstage on other languages
- Fixed issue with app crashing when saving file to device
- Fixed issue with Edit task mode, manual start/finish/duration, WBS for project task
- Fixed issue with baseline columns mix-up
- Fixed issue with Custom Fields on Resource Sheet
- Fixed issue with internationalized labels that weren’t entirely visible in the Custom Fields dialog
- Fixed issue with XML files from Clouds opens with inactive tasks
- Fixed issue with edit mode remaining after assigning resource in resource column
- Fixed issue with Inactive tasks not supported in Collaborative mode
- Fixed purchase flow to show Subscription Terms dialog before starting a subscription
19.12 | March 18 2019 |
- Solved issue with Save Alert not always appearing after changes in the project.
- Solved issue with users being able to open files in collaboration mode without being signed in in app.
18.40 | December 6 2018 |
- Solved issue on rtf notes
- Solved issue with material resource units having wrong value in Task Info dialog
18.28 | October 13 2018 |
- Fixed issue with Notes on multiple lines
- Fixed issue with Ok and Cancel button dissapearing when keyboard is shown in Task Info and Resource Info dialogs
18.26 | September 10 2018 |
- Implement request Master Project and subprojects feature
18.6 | March 8 2018 |
- Fix change save location
- Fix highlight tasks in Gantt Chart