Fixes on Project Plan 365 for Web
Version History
25.5 | February 24 2024 |
- Fixed issue with Renew Subscription button from Backstage opening Buy More Subscriptions dialog
- Fixed issue with account menu in backstage appearing Signed Out when user is signed in with an expired trial/subscription account
- Fixed issue with clicking on a view from Quick Access Toolbar opening the view above it
24.29 | December 11 2024 |
- Fixed issue with Drive 365 cloud picker fields UI
24.24 | October 16 2024 |
- Fixed issue with Why upgrade dialog showing instead of Editor dialog when saving a file from File menu
- Fixed issue with the Billing dialog opening in a new tab in Safari
- Fixed issue purchase button not working for trial accounts
- Fixed issue with dialogs showing right before page is refreshed
24.11 | April 9 2024 |
- Fixed issue with negative values from 1- 10 in the Duration column not being restricted
- Fixed issue with Options dialog appearing incorrectly when in free read only mode
23.5 | July 3 2023 |
- Fixed issue with error message appearing when trying to open Column Definition and clicking Insert Column button
- Fixed issue with not being able to open Task Information dialog
- Fixed issue with split task functionality not working
- Fixed issue with Task Usage view not opening on new template
- Fixed issue with File Properties button from menu File - Info not working
- Fixed issue with Task Board, Current Sprint Sheet, Sprint Planning Sheet and Task Board Sheet views generating error messages
- Fixed issue with Compare functionality not working
- Fixed issue with error appearing when opening a dashboard file
22.9 | December 1 2022 |
- Fixed issue with AutoFilter not applying for a new column inserted after the ID column
- Fixed issue with column header not being aligned in the column
- Fixed issue with Up/down arrows not being fully visible on some fields on Chrome browser
22.5 | October 4 2022 |
- Fixed issue with Save loading message appearing wrong when language is set to French
22.2 | May 31 2022 |
- Fixed issue with file opening in exclusive mode when using the Open from URL option
- Fixed issue with an “no permission” alert appearing when saving projects
- Fixed issue with sending reports as PDF not working
- Fixed issue with Erix not working
21.19 | November 30 2021 |
- Fixed issue with “Show Project Status” not working when using Erix from webpage
- Fixed issue with Erix displaying an error when using the “Show Project Status” options on a file containing the character “\”
- Fixed issue with the files saved in Project Online displaying different values
21.15 | September 27 2021 |
- Fixed issue with assigning and removing resources from Resource Name column not working;
- Fixed issue with Sign In button appearing in Account tab when being signed in inside the app with an expired subscription account
- Fixed issue with “Protect Editing” and “Visual Reports” options appearing in ribbon when having an Advanced Viewer subscription
21.9 | June 2 2021 |
- Fixed issue with the Task Calendar to display the value of the project calendar instead of “None”
- Fixed issue with hyperlinks in Resource Usage view not being displayed
21.5 | March 29 2021 |
- Fixed issue with loading message wasn’t disappearing when saving files on a cloud
- Fixed issue with app not refreshing when Upgrading to Business
21.1 | February 1 2021 |
- Fixed issue with create “New Project” remaining in loading on Drive 365 / Box / One Drive / GoogleDrive
- Fixed issue with “New Project” button missing on Project Online Cloud
- Fixed issue with Undo / Redo not being available for Usage views
- Fixed issue with calendar not moving to the correct month when clicking on exception
- Fixed issue with “Page Setup” dialog couldn’t be opened
- Fixed issue with “Upgrade to Business Subscription” dialog not being displayed when clicking the “Upgrade to Business Plan” button
20.37 | December 9 2020 |
- Fixed issue with share flow not working when clicking on "Share" button from the bar
- Fixed issue with TGF dialogs being higher than the window
- Fixed issue with PDM Summary dates calculation not being correct
- Fixed issue with setting a deadline not impacting the Total Slack on predecessor tasks
20.30 | October 28 2020 |
- Fixed issue with wrong information appearing in “Account” tab when signing in with an expired account
- Fixed issue with Project Server and SharePoint files not being accessible from “Recent Projects”
20.21 | April 28 2020 |
- Fixed issue with predecessors lag not being recalculated when changing hours per day in options dialog
20.14 | March 30 2020 |
- Fixed issue with OneDrive for Business not working;
20.11 | March 03 2020 |
- Fixed issue with error appearing on Calendar view in Free Viewer mode
- Fixed issue with Page Setup dialog for Custom Reports appearing wrong on non-EN languages
- Fixed issue with dropdown from date picker not working on non-EN languages
- Fixed issue with Print Blank pages should be disabled on some views on HPW
- Fixed issue with buttons from Page Setup dialog appearing wrong on non-EN languages
- Fixed issue with duration not changing when setting another scheduling options
- Fixed issue with Set Project Calendar not working
- Fixed issue with resources not being displayed on Resource Name cells after assigning them from Assign – Resource dialog
20.6 | February 05 2020 |
- Fixed issue with buttons appearing in Real Time Collaboration mode when they shouldn't.
- Fixed issue with wrong message appearing when entering Real Time Collaboration mode.
- Fixed issue with Undo/Redo not working in Resource Sheet view.
- Fixed issue with adding team member in Resource Sheet view.
- Fixed issue with "Non-working" tab missing in Timescale dialog.
- Fixed Filter issues.
- Fixed issue with work value not being copied correctly.
- Fixed issue with allowing negative values for Duration field.
- Fixed issue with "Custom Milestones" report.
19.59 | December 16 2019 |
- Fixed issue with Upgrade to Business dialog appearing wrong on French;
- Fixed issue with Upgrade to Business dialog appearing on Visual Reports on Free Viewer Mode
- Fixed issue with Upgrade to Business dialog appearing on More Views on Free Viewer Mode
- Fixed issue with Upgrade to Business dialog appearing on Save icon on Free Viewer Mode;
19.53 | October 12 2019 |
- Fixed issue with Permanently renumber tasks should be removed
- Fixed issue with Descending being selected by default in Sort by dialog
- Fixed issue with Task/Resource Radio buttons should be removed from More Tables dialog
- Fixed issue with Hide subtasks not working on Network Diagram View
- Fixed issue with Outline being disabled on Resource Usage and Task Usage views
- Fixed issue with Zoom should be disabled on some views
- Fixed issue with overallocated field being empty in Gantt Chart view
- Fixed Hide/Show outline symbol for Network Diagram view
- Fixed issue with “Date” from Go To dialog being enable on some views
- Fixed issue with error appearing if 2 empty field name cells are selected
- Fixed issue with Edit/Copy buttons not working on newly created tables
19.42 | July 15 2019 |
- Fixed issue with autofilter not working on work and duration columns
- Fixed issue with RTC warning message should be added when adding a bigger value than 120
- Fixed issue with Subprojects functionality should be removed in collaboration mode
- Fixed issue with Up and Down arrows appearing in cost cell
- Fixed issues with export to PDF
- Fixed issue with blank rows being inserted under the selected tasks
- Fixed issue with Notes column not being editable in Resource Sheet view
- Fixed issue with delete button in Change working dialog not working
- Fixed issue with error appearing when changing duration on non-en languages
- Fixed issue with multiline notes appearing wrong in Notes column
- Fixed issue with autofilter not displaying any value
- Fixed issue with all values being checked when autofilter is applied
- Fixed issue with total missing from Budget Report
- Fixed issue with total missing from Overbudget resources report
- Fixed issue with different values being displayed in Resource Work report
- Fixed issue with custom tab not being displayed in Resource Info dialog on French
- Fixed issue with new inserted resource appearing first after save
- Fixed issue with “OK” button not working in Change Working Time dialog
- Fixed issue with tasks being displayed incorrectly in Resource Work report
- Fixed issue with Task Info dialog cannot be opened
- Fixed issue with duration cannot be changed in Task Info dialog
- Fixed issue with languages having “day” written the same way as “days”
19.39 | July 3 2019 |
- Fixed issue with outline number duplicate when editing a task
- Fixed issue with resources appearing in wrong order in Print Preview
- Fixed issue with Peak Units not being internationalized
- Fixed issue with message not appearing on split in Timeline view
- Fixed issue with double clicking on Notes field opens Task Info -> General Tab
- Fixed issue with Drive 365 dialog not being displayed at the right size
- Fixed issue with Risk report not being displayed in Report menu
- Fixed issue with adding values in Risk Field should be disabled if Enable Risk Management checkbox isn’t checked
- Fixed issue with summary task not being displayed in Earned Value report
- Fixed issue with Risk Overview report not displaying the right reports
- Fixed issue with Risk report image not being displayed in Report menu
- Fixed issue with Risk – Unstarted tasks report not displaying the same tasks as in HPP
- Fixed issue with error message appearing at Risk – Should have started tasks
- Fixed issue with Risk – Completed Tasks not displaing the same tasks as in HPP
- Fixed issue with edit button in Custom View dialog not being disabled
- Fixed issue with new created view not appearing in dropdown and left side view bar
- Fixed issue with new created view not being selected by default in View Definition dialog
- Fixed issue with Risk Should Have started tasks report not having dialog to choose the date
- Fixed issue with summary task not being displayed in Risk Overview report
- Fixed issue with summary task not being displayed in Risk Unstarted Tasks report
- Fixed issue with summary task not being displayed in Risk Completed Tasks report
19.34 | June 10 2019 |
- Fixed issue with multiple row selection on Resource Sheet not allowed
- Fixed the issue where find dialog would display an error message on French, German or Spanish
- Fixed the issue when the last values inserted in the replace dialog weren’t remembered
- Fixed issue when the message after replace all wasn’t showing how many replacements were made
- Fixed the issue with Schedule mode and WBS Code weren’t disabled on Project Summary Task
- Fixed the issue where on files with the project summary task shown the selected task was not the one styled
- Fixed the issue with “minutes” label missing after RTC value text box in Options -> Advanced tab
- Fixed the RTC timeout spinner for non-EN languages
- Fixed the issue where the replace with value wasn’t saved
- Fixed the issue with the Using Resource dialog appearing when opening a file
- Fixed the issue where a cell’s width was bigger than the header of the column
- Fixed the issue with Outline being enabled on Calendar view
19.29 | May 7 2019 |
- Fixed issue with scrolling very slow
- Fixed issue with find not working
- Fixed issue with fake notes indicator on project summary task
- Fixed issue with overallocation legend missing from Resource Graph View
- Fixed issue with split tasks not working on Chrome
- Fixed issue with error message not displayed when entering a duration/work value in years
- Fixed color picker issues
- Fixed issue with find by notes not working
- Fixed issue with replacing Text in find dialog with Test
- Fixed issue with Share dialog not being internationalized
19.20 | April 2 2019 |
- Fixed issues with horizontal scroll bar
- Fixed issue with file cannot be opened after saved with text styles changes
- Fixed broken paste in input fields of dialogs (i.e. Open from URL, Open from SharePoint)
- Fixed issue with filter highlight not being removed once applied
- Fixed issue with removing tooltip appearing on ribbon gallery arrows
- Fixed issue with save alert appearing after the file was already saved
- Fixed issue with Undo/Redo, Save and Change view from dropdown options appearing in Collaboration Mode
- Fixed Tree View Autofiltering
- Fixed issue with double-clicking in TPD grid
- Fixed issue with autofilter buttons appearing on columns when double clicking on Task Sheet view
- Fixed issue with broken Window and Help tabs because of wrong Gantt Chart Styles tags
- Fixed issue with black borders for QAT items in Internet Explorer 9 and 10
- Fixed issue with counting connected users
- Fixed issue with project title wrapping on two lines when page is resized to a lower width
- Fixed print issue with bars drawn flat, not 3D
18.42 | December 6 2018 |
- Fix note indicator on Resource Sheet view
- Fix Print Report
- Fix Muti-row indent/outdent with mouse
- Fix issue about editing duration in grid
- Fix Issue on Team Planner zoom in/zoom out
- Fix issue with grid refresh on Resource Sheet
18.34 | November 2 2018 |
- Fix open XML file with non-EN language
- Fix datepickers culture in all dialogs
- Fix for tasks ending on Sunday on a working weekends calendar are drawn over the outside of the calendar grid
- Fix Team Planner layout dialog
- Fix broken Task Info when app is non-EN
- Fix broken Sort
18.9 | May 4 2018 |
- Fix Team Planner unassigned assignments
- Fix PDF display the column width defined in view