FAQ Project Plan 365

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What is Status Manager field?
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The Status Manager field contains the name of the enterprise resource who is to receive status updates for the current task from resources working in Microsoft Project Web App.
What is Status Indicator field?
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The Status Indicator field displays an icon that represents the current status of a task.
What is Status field?
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The Status field indicates the current status of a task: Complete, On Schedule, Late, or Future Task.
What is Start1-10 field?
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The Start1 through Start10 fields show any specific task, resource, or assignment start date information that you want to enter and store separately in your project.
What is Start Variance field?
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The Start Variance field contains the time that represents the difference between a baseline start date of a task or assignment and its currently scheduled start date.
What is Start Slack field?
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The Start Slack field contains the duration between the Early Start and Late Start dates.
What is Start field?
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The Start field shows the date when an assigned resource is scheduled to begin working on a task.
What is Standard Rate field?
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The Standard Rate field shows the rate of pay for regular, non-overtime work performed by a resource.
What is Sprint field?
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The Scheduled Start field indicates the date when work on a task is scheduled to begin as calculated by Microsoft Project, based on dependencies, constraints, calendars, and other scheduling factors.
What is SPI field?
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The SPI (schedule performance index) field shows the ratio of the budgeted cost of work performed to the budgeted cost of work scheduled (BCWP/BCWS).
What is Scheduled Start field?
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The Scheduled Start field indicates the date when work on a task is scheduled to begin as calculated by Microsoft Project, based on dependencies, constraints, calendars, and other scheduling factors.
What is Scheduled Finish field?
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The Scheduled Finish field indicates the date when work on a task is scheduled to be complete as calculated by Microsoft Project based on the start date, duration, dependencies, calendars, and other scheduling factors.
What is Scheduled Duration field?
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The Scheduled Duration field shows the total span of active working time for a task as entered or as calculated by Microsoft Project based on start date, finish date, calendars, and other scheduling factors.
What is Rollup field?
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For subtasks, the Rollup field indicates whether information about the subtask Gantt bars will be rolled up to the summary task bar
What is Resume field?
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The Resume field shows the date that the remaining part of a task is scheduled to resume after you enter any progress, for example, % Complete, % Work Complete, Actual Work, Actual Duration, or Actual Start.
What is Response Pending field?
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The Response Pending field indicates whether an acknowledgement has been received from team members assigned to tasks.
What is Resource Type field?
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The Resource Type field indicates whether resources assigned to this task/assignment are work or material resources.
What is Resource Phonetics field?
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The Resource Phonetics field is used only in the Japanese version of Project.
What is Resource Pending field?
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The Response Pending field indicates whether an acknowledgement has been received from team members assigned to tasks.
What is Resource Names field?
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The Resource Names field lists the names of all resources assigned to a task.
What is Resource Name field?
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The Resource Name field contains the name of the resource to which an assignment belongs.
What is Resource Initials field?
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The Resource Initials field shows the abbreviations for the names of resources.
What is Resource ID field?
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The Resource ID field contains the identifier number that Project assigns to each resource.
What is Resource GUID field?
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The Resource GUID field contains the generated unique identification code for each resource in your project. No two resources will have the same Resource GUID.
What is Resource Group field?
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The Resource Group field contains the groups to which resources belong.