FAQ Project Plan 365

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What is E-mail Address field?
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The E-mail Address field contains the e-mail address of a resource.
What is Effort Driven field?
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The Effort Driven field indicates whether the scheduling for the task is effort-driven scheduling.
What is Earned Value Method field?
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The Earned Value Method field provides choices for whether the % Complete or Physical % Complete field should be used to calculate budgeted cost of work performed (BCWP).
What is Early Start field?
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The Early Start field contains the earliest date that a task could possibly begin, based on the early start dates of predecessor and successor tasks and other constraints.
What is Early Finish field?
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The Early Finish field contains the earliest date that a task could possibly finish, based on early finish dates of predecessor and successor tasks, other constraints, and any leveling delay.
What is EAC field?
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The EAC (estimate at completion) field shows the expected total cost of a task based on performance up to the status date.
What is Duration1-10 field?
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The Duration1 through Duration10 fields store any task, resource, or assignment duration information.
What is Duration Variance field?
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The Duration Variance field contains the difference between the baseline duration of a task and the total duration (current estimate) of a task.
What is Duration field?
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The Duration field shows the total span of active working time for a task.
What is Deliverable Type field?
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The Deliverable Type field indicates whether the current task has an associated deliverable, and whether that deliverable is produced by the current task or produced by a separate project or task upon which the current task is dependent.
What is Deliverable Start field?
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For each task that has a deliverable associated with it, the Deliverable Start field displays the scheduled start date of that deliverable.
What is Deliverable Name field?
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For each task that has a deliverable associated with it, the Deliverable Name field displays the name or title of that deliverable.
What is Deliverable GUID field?
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For each task that has a deliverable associated with it, the Deliverable GUID field displays the globally unique identifier (GUID) for that deliverable.
What is Deliverable Finish field?
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For each task that has a deliverable associated with it, the Deliverable Finish field displays the scheduled finish date of that deliverable.
What is Default Assignment Owner field?
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The Default Assignment Owner field contains the name of the enterprise user who is responsible for entering status on a given assignment.
What is Deadline field?
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The Deadline field shows the date you enter as a deadline for the task. A deadline is a target date that indicates when you want a task to be completed.
What is Date1-10 field?
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The Date1 through Date10 fields store task, resource, or assignment date information.
What is CV% field?
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The CV% (cost variance percent) field shows the ratio of cost variance (CV) to budgeted cost of work performed (BCWP), expressed as a percentage.
What is CV field?
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The CV (earned value cost variance) field shows the difference between how much it should have cost and how much it has actually cost to achieve the current level of completion up to the status date or today's date.
What is Cumulative Work field?
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The Cumulative Work field contains the time scheduled for all resources assigned to tasks, accumulated over time.
What is Cumulative Percent (%) Complete field?
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The Cumulative % Complete field shows cumulative percent complete values for a task as distributed over time.
What is Cumulative Cost field?
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The Cumulative Cost field shows the scheduled cumulative timephased cost for a task, resource, or assignment to date.
What is Cumulative Actual Work field?
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The Cumulative Actual Work field contains the actual work done by all resources assigned to tasks, accumulated over time.
What is Critical field?
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The Critical field indicates whether a task or an assignment's task has any room in the schedule to slip, or if a task is on the critical path.
What is Created field?
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The Created field contains the date and time when a task/resource was added to the project.