FAQ Project Plan 365

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What is BCWS (Planned Value or PV) field?
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The BCWS (budgeted cost of work scheduled) field contains the cumulative timephased baseline costs up to the status date or today's date.
What is BCWP (Earned Value or EV) field?
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The BCWP (budgeted cost of work performed) field contains the cumulative value of the task's, resource's, or assignments's percent complete multiplied by the timephased baseline costs.
What is Baseline1-10 Work field?
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The Baseline1 through Baseline10 Work fields store the total planned person-hours scheduled for a task, resource, or assignment.
What is Baseline1-10 Start field?
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The baseline start fields (Baseline1 Start through Baseline10 Start) store the planned start date for a task or assignment at the time that you save a corresponding baseline.
What is Baseline1-10 Finish field?
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The Baseline1 through Baseline10 Finish fields store the planned completion date for a task or resource assignment at the time that you save a corresponding baseline.
What is Baseline1-10 Duration field?
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The Baseline1 through Baseline10 Duration fields store the span of time planned to complete a task.
What is Baseline1-10 Deliverable Start field?
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The Baseline1 through Baseline10 Deliverable Start fields contain the planned deliverable start dates saved with the corresponding project baselines.
What is Baseline1-10 Deliverable Finish field?
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The Baseline1 through Baseline10 Deliverable Finish fields contain the planned deliverable finish dates saved with the corresponding project baselines.
What is Baseline1-10 Cost field?
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The Baseline1 through Baseline10 Cost fields store the total planned cost for a task, a resource, or an assignment.
What is Baseline1-10 Budget Work field?
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The Baseline1 through Baseline10 Budget Work fields store the originally planned budget work amounts for work resources and material resources that are specifically identified as budget resources.
What is Baseline1-10 Budget Cost field?
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The Baseline1 through Baseline10 Budget Cost fields store the originally planned budget cost amounts for cost resources that are specifically identified as budget resources.
What is Baseline0-10 Remaining Tasks field?
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The Baseline0 through Baseline10 Remaining Tasks fields contain the number of scheduled subtasks that remained to be completed on a given day for a summary task, when the baseline was set. They also contain the number of scheduled tasks that remained to be completed on a given day for a subproject, when the baseline was set.
What is Baseline0-10 Remaining Cumulative Work field?
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The Baseline0 through Baseline10 Remaining Cumulative Work fields contain the remaining amount of time scheduled for all resources assigned to tasks, when the baseline was set.
What is Baseline0-10 Estimated Start field?
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When you set a baseline, Microsoft Project copies the Scheduled Start dates for a task or assignment and stores them in the Baseline Estimated Start fields (Baseline Estimated Start to Baseline1 Estimated Start through Baseline10 Estimated Start). This is true whether the tasks are manually or automatically scheduled.
What is Baseline0-10 Estimated Finish field?
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When you set a baseline, Microsoft Project copies the Scheduled Finish dates for a task or assignment and stores them in the Baseline Estimated Finish fields (Baseline Estimated Finish to Baseline1 Estimated Finish through Baseline10 Estimated Finish). This is true whether the tasks are manually or automatically scheduled.
What is Baseline0-10 Estimated Duration field?
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The Baseline0-10 Estimated Duration fields show the approximated span of time planned to complete a task. When you set a baseline, Microsoft Project copies the Scheduled Duration values for tasks and stores them in the Baseline Estimated Duration fields (Baseline Estimated Duration to Baseline1 Estimated Duration through Baseline10 Estimated Duration). This is true whether the tasks are manually or automatically scheduled.
What is Baseline0-10 Cumulative Work field field?
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The Baseline0 through Baseline10 Cumulative Work fields contain the amount of time scheduled for all resources assigned to tasks, accumulated over time, when the baseline was set.
What is Baseline Work field?
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The Baseline Work field shows the total planned person-hours scheduled for a task, resource, or assignment.
What is Baseline Start field?
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The Baseline Start field shows the planned start date for a task or assignment at the time that you saved a baseline.
What is Baseline Finish field?
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The Baseline Finish field shows the planned completion date for a task or assignment at the time that you saved a baseline.
What is Baseline Duration field?
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The Baseline Duration field shows the original span of time planned to complete a task.
What is Baseline Deliverable Start field?
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The Baseline Deliverable Start field contains the originally planned deliverable start date saved with the project baseline.
What is Baseline Deliverable Finish field?
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The Baseline Deliverable Finish field contains the planned deliverable finish date saved with the project baseline.
What is Baseline Cost field?
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The Baseline Cost field shows the total planned cost for a task, a resource for all assigned tasks, or for work to be performed by a resource on a task.
What is Baseline Budget Work field?
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The Baseline Budget Work field displays the originally planned budget work amounts for budget work and material resources. Budget resources are assigned only to the project summary task.