FAQ Project Plan 365

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Does the product work with OneDrive for Business?
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Project Plan 365 allows to open and save files on OneDrive for Business.
What does the “Enter Pay Rates for Resources” functionality do?
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The “Enter Pay Rates for Resources” functionality allows the application to calculate the costs for resources as they are based on regular and overtime rates, not including the per-use cost or the one-time assignment cost.
What does the “Assign Resource” functionality do?
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The “Assign Resource” functionality allows you to assign people to work on tasks entered in your schedule.
How to create a new project on Android Phone?
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Please download and install our latest version from our website or from Google Play Store. Then, go to backstage menu and select New - Blank Project.

How to set Lead and Lag times between tasks?
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To set Lead or Lag time between tasks, on the View menu – click Gantt Chart – select the desired task and go to Task Information – Predecessors – In the Lag field type a positive number for lag time or a negative number for Lead time.
Can I attach a file to a task?
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In order to add a hyperlink to a task, you need to apply first the Hyperlink table from the menu Project - Table. Then you can change the Hyperlink Address field.

You can also use the Insert column feature. Insert Hyperlink and Hyperlink Address field in Gantt Chart, then edit them.

For a file from local device, in Hyperlink Address field insert the path to the file like this: file:///C:/Users/UserName/Desktop/PDFName.pdf

For a file from cloud or web address, in Hyperlink Address field insert the path to the file like this:

In Hyperlink field add the name of your file.

How to move a split task?
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To move the whole task: Hover over the first part of the split task.

The cursor changes to a four-way arrow.

Drag the bar left to start earlier or drag it right to start later.

In what views can I add a note to a resource?
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You can add a note to a resource in Resource Sheet view.
What is a resource note?
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A resource note is a written message associated with a resource.
What does the “Replace” functionality do?
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The “Replace” functionality allows to find and replace characters in your plan, such as a particular number or text string in plan fields like: Name, Duration, Assignments etc.
How can I see the tasks that have a hyperlink associated?
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Tasks that have associated a hyperlink are marked with a special icon in the Indicators column.
How do I link multiple tasks?
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If you want to link multiple tasks with a Finish-to-Start (FS) dependency, select the block of tasks.To select tasks that are next to one another, hold down SHIFT and click the first and last task that you want to link.To select tasks that are not next to each another, hold down CTRL and click the tasks that you want to link.In Task menu, press on Link button.
What does the “Link Multiple Tasks” functionality do?
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The “Link Multiple Tasks” functionality allows you to create a Finish-To-Start dependency for multiple tasks at the same time.
How do I make a task manually scheduled?
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To make a task manually scheduled, use the Insert Column option to insert and display the Task Mode column in views like Gantt Chart, Tracking Gantt or Task Sheet view.Then, in Task Mode field, select Manually Scheduled.
How manual tasks interact with scheduling fields?
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Manual tasks and interaction with other scheduling fields:Duration, Start and Finish date can be text, number or dates -this values not used in scheduling process.Constraints - can be used but this value will be ignored.Resources - can be assigned to tasks, these values are not used in the scheduling process.Dependencies -can be used but this value will be ignored.Project and resource calendars - will be ignored.
How do I insert multiple blank rows?
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To insert multiple blank rows, select multiple rows above which you want to insert the new rows.Go on Task menu and from there, press on the dropdown underneath Insert menu option and select Blank Row.
How do I insert a single blank row?
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To insert a single blank row, select row/cell above which you want to insert the new row.
What is a Null Task?
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A null task is a blank row used to delimit some phases in your project or for any visual arrangements.
What does the “Copy Paste from External Source (Excel/Csv)” functionality do?
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The “Copy Paste from External Source (Excel/Csv)” functionality allows to copy and paste the name of several tasks or resources from an external source such as a CSV file, instead of having to type the task names by hand one by one.
How do I copy paste resources from external source?
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Copy all the resource names from external source. Then in Project Plan 365, select the next empty resource name cell and from the Task menu press on Paste button or use keyboard shortcut CTRL + V / Command + V. After doing this, you will notice that the whole list of resource names will be inserted for you at the end of resource list.
How do I copy paste tasks from external source?
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Copy all task names from external source. Then in Project Plan 365, select the next empty task name cell and from the Task menu press on Paste or use keyboard shortcut CTRL + V / Command + V. After doing this, you will notice that the whole list of task names will be inserted for you at after selected empty task cell. The duration, start and finish date fields will be completed with default values: Duration = 1 day? Start and Finish date= Project Start date.
How do I use Task Information?
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In order to open Task Information dialog, go on any task view, click on a task and then click Task Information, or double click on the task or right click the task and select Task Information.
What does the “Task Information” functionality do?
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The Task Information as the name describes it, allows edit or view basic information about the selected task. You can change: 
1. Task durations and indicate whether the durations are estimated or set.
2. Progress on a task by entering the percentage of completion.
3. Task start or finish date to set a Start No Earlier Than or Finish No Earlier Than constraint.

What can be pasted?
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A single row can be pasted in your project corresponding to a task or resource. You can paste multiple rows in your project corresponding to multiple tasks or resources.
How do I paste a task or resource?
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To paste a task or resource, you have several possibilities: either use CTRL+V combination on your keyboard, click on Paste option from the Task menu or select Paste option from the contextual menu after you right click on a task/resource ID. 

Note: On Mac platform, CTRL+V command is Command + V.
