FAQ Project Plan 365

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How to filter tasks by risk?
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In order to filter tasks by risk, you can use the autofilter option on the Risk field - Insert the Risk column in the current table, click the autofilter arrow, uncheck the risk levels that you want to hide.
How can I customize risk levels?
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You can customize risk levels in the Options dialog - Risk Management tab.
How to set risk level for a task?
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To set the risk level, insert the Risk column in the current table (if not already inserted) and assign the desired risk level by opening the dropdown menu inside the Risk cell.
How to enable risk management?
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To enable risk management, open the Options dialog (Backstage -> Options), navigate to the Risk management tab and enable the checkbox. Click OK and you can start assigning risk levels to tasks and track the risk in the Risk View.
How do I track risk with the app?
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The Risk view helps you tracking the risk by grouping the tasks based on their assigned risk level. You can also use the autofilter option on the Risk field in order to hide/show tasks that have a certain risk level assigned.
Do you have a work availability field?
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To see the Work column, go to Format - Insert Column - In the Field Name box select column Work and click OK. The work availability column will appear in the grid. If you want to see the working hours per day, please look at the Resource Calendar. To do this, go to menu Project - Change Working Time and select the desired calendar.
How do I change all dates from an old project?
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To change all dates from an old project you need to move the project start date. Go to menu Project – Move Project and select another date and click OK. Make sure that the % complete for your tasks is 0%.
How do I open the calendar?
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To open the project calendar go to menu Project - Change Working Time.
What is Smartsheet?
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Smartsheet is a spreadsheet-based tool for simpler project management.
Why can't I see all the columns imported from Smartsheet file?
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During the import process, data might have been imported to columns that are not being shown on the currently viewed table.  After the import is completed you can insert imported columns into any table to view the imported data.
How do I import both Tasks and Resources from Excel file?
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Data is imported to 2 distinct data areas: Task or Resources.Imports will not update more than one data area at the same time.Excel datasheets will need to be divided into these areas of data.For example, if you want to import information about both Tasks and Resources, your Excel file will need to have two sheets, one with information about tasks and one about resources.
Why can't I see all the columns imported from Excel file?
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Data might have been imported to columns that are not being shown on the currently viewed table. Insert imported columns into any table to view the imported data.
What should I know before starting to import the Excel file in Project Plan 365 app?
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1. Be aware of which Excel file fields will be mapped to which Project Plan file fields before starting the Import Wizard.
2. Not all fields in the Excel field are required to be imported. When mapping the columns from your file you will have the opportunity to pick which fields you will import by deleting the unnecessary ones (using the Delete Row button).
3. Make sure you know which Excel file tab names will be imported into which data areas within Project Plan. e.: Task data, Resource data.
4. Be aware if your import file has column headers.
5. Blank lines in the Excel file will be imported as blank lines in the project file.
6. Start and Finish dates when imported into the Start and Finish fields in Project Plan 365 will create Start No Earlier Than constraints for the tasks.
What changes do I need to make to the excel file before importing it in Project Plan 365 app?
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Before importing your Excel file in our application please make the following changes:1. Create any customized fields before starting the import process.
2. Make sure the customized fields are of the same data type as the fields that will be imported from Excel. I.e.: Text into Text, Date into Date.
3. When possible, create the customized field names to match the names in the Excel file. Optional but helpful.
What is Microsoft Excel?
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Microsoft Excel is a software program used to create spreadsheets.
How do I recover my file in case of a crash?
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If the Auto Save option is turned on, you can automatically save versions of your file while you’re working on it. To recover your file, go to File - Open - Open Unsaved Project.
How do I protect my files in case of a crash?
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Crashes happen. The power goes out. And sometimes, people accidentally close a file without saving. To avoid losing all your work when stuff like that happens, we turned on Auto Save by default.
How do I activate the Auto Save functionality?
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To activate the Auto Save functionality, go to File - Options - General Settings tab - General Options section. Make sure the "Auto save a copy every x minutes" box is selected.
What does the “Auto Save” functionality do?
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The Auto Save functionality saves a copy of your file automatically at a given time.
How do I save a file to a cloud service?
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To save a file to a cloud service go to File - Save As and select the desired cloud service.
Why does a warning message appear when trying to save a file created with Microsoft Project?
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When a file is saved, Project Plan 365 will identify if it is created with Microsoft Project or Project Plan 365. The warning message will appear if the file was created with Microsoft Project and if the project file contains unsupported functionalities.

What are warning messages?
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Warning messages are modal dialog boxes that alert the user of a condition that might cause a problem in the future.
What does “Save As” do?
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The “Save As” functionality allows you to save your file without overwriting the previous version by choosing a new name and optionally a new location.
What does “Save” do?
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The “Save” functionality saves the current file, in the current format.
Are documents stored to the local machine only?
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We don't have a mechanism to control via our app where the files are saved or restrict sharing based on internal policies.
