FAQ Project Plan 365

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What does the Duration field show?
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The Duration field is the total span of active working time for a task. This is generally the amount of working time from the start to the finish of a task.
What does the Finish field show?
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The Finish field shows the date when a task is scheduled to be completed.
How a Start date for a task is calculated?
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A Start date can be calculated or entered. If you do not type a start date, application calculates a start date based on such things as relationships, calendars, and the scheduling method. If you type a start date, will be set automatically a Start No Earlier Than constraint and uses the date you type as the constraint date.
What does the Start field show?
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The Start field shows the date when an assigned resource is scheduled to begin working on a task.
When I should use Peak Units field (assignment-timephased field)?
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Add the Peak Units field to the timephased portion of the Task Usage or Resource Usage view when you want to display the maximum effort for which the resource is designated to work on an assignment, as distributed over time. This is particularly useful when you have applied a work contour other than the default flat work contour. The Peak Units field shows the points in time in which more effort is being applied to the assignment.
How Peak Units field (assignment-timephased field) is calculated?
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The value in the Peak Units field represents the maximum effort a resource is working on an assignment in the given time period.
When I should use Peak Units field (resource-timephased field)?
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Add the Peak Units field to the timephased portion of the Resource Usage view when you want to display the maximum effort for which the resource is designated to work on all assigned tasks over the selected time period.
How Peak Units field (resource-timephased field) is calculated?
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The value in the Peak Units field is the maximum effort a resource is working on all assigned tasks, as shown over a period of time.
How many categories of Peak Units fields are there?
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There are two categories of Peak Units fields (resource-timephased field and assignment-timephased field).
What do the Peak Units fields show?
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The Peak Units fields contain the percentage or number of units to which a resource is assigned at any one time for tasks as distributed over time.
If I want to move the project, will the deadlines also move?
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When moving the project, you will be able to select to also move or not the deadlines.
How do I set a deadline for a task?
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To set a deadline for a task, go to Task Information dialog – Advanced tab and select a date for the Deadline field.
What does the “Deadlines” functionality do?
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The Deadlines functionality allows you to set a date by which a certain task/deliverable/milestone must be finished, i.e. a deadline.
How to access Project Plan 365 Portal page?
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Please click on the following link to access our Online Portal page: https://www.projectplan365.com/ups/Account/SignIn
How to plan expenses related to the purchase of equipment and materials needed to implement projects?
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For expenses related to the purchase of equipment (fixed cost), in Resource Sheet view you can add a resource of type cost. Then, you can assign that resource to a specific task in Task Information dialog under Team tab.
How can I plan and control equipment orders and deliveries (logistics activities) in the project?
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For material resources, in Resource Sheet you can add a resource of type material. Insert the material label and the Std. Rate. In Gantt Chart view or in Task information dialog you can specify the units for that specific material.
How can I see the resources grouped by resource type at a specific date in the project?
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We are sorry, but at this point our application doesn't allow to see the resources grouped by resource type at a specific date.
How can I add another project to an existing Dashboard Project?
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In order to add another project to an existing Dashboard project, go to the Report menu - Dashboard and click on "Open from Computer" button - select the XML file and press Open. Then open again the Dashboard dialog and add another project and click on "View".
How to manage project delays?
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To register the delays on a specific task, after you finished your schedule, please set a baseline by going to menu Project – Set Baseline.After this, if you have a delay on a task, change the Start or Finish date. In this way, the Planned Start is the Baseline Start and the Actual Start is the Start date.
Where can I save a MPP file so I can open it from all my devices?
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In order to open the mpp file on all your devices, please save the mpp file in Drive 365 cloud. Then, you will be able to see the file on any other device with
a simple Sign in inside the application.
How can I generate a report that states one work week?
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You can generate a report called Who Does What When report by going to menu Report – Assignments -Who Does What When Report and click on the Select button.
How can I open a MPP from my iPad?
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To open a MPP file on iPad, just open the Project Plan 365 app and go to menu File – Open – Device – navigate to the location where your file is saved.
How can I edit a custom field in Task Information dialog?
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Our application doesn’t support to edit the custom fields in Task information dialog.To edit the custom field, please insert that specific field in Gantt Chart view by going to menu Format – Insert Column.
How can I enable auto updates so I can get the latest version of the application?
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We don’t have an automatic update feature, if you want to install our latest version, you need to manually uninstall the old version and install the latest
version from our website.
I’ve paid for the new subscription but the program keeps telling me that it’s expired.
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Please Sign Out and back Sign In with your email and password inside the application (look upper right corner for the Sign In button).