FAQ Project Plan 365

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How can I outdent a task in All Tasks phone view?
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To outdent a task in All Tasks phone view, tap and hold on any task and choose Outdent option from the popover. 
How can I indent a task in All Tasks phone view?
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To indent a task in All Tasks phone view, tap and hold on any task and choose Indent option from the popover. 
How can I add a new task in All Tasks phone view?
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To add a new task in All Tasks phone view, tap on Add task at the end of the task list. Or tap and hold on any task and choose Add task option from the popover.
How can I delete a task in All Tasks phone view?
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To delete a task in All Tasks phone view, swipe to left and tap on Delete button. Or tap and hold on any task name and then choose the Delete option from the popover. 
What are the available actions in All Tasks phone view?
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The available actions in All Tasks phone view are:  

single tap - opens Task Information dialog;

right swipe - allows you to delete a resource; 

tap and hold - a popover with multiple options appears; 
How do I apply All Tasks phone view?
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To apply the All Tasks phone view, go to Menu - Views - All Tasks. 
What information can I update in Task Information dialog inside the All Tasks Phone View?
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In the All Tasks Phone View, using the Task Information dialog,  the application allows you to edit the Name, Percent Complete, Schedule Mode, Duration, Start Date, Finish Date, Priority, Hide task bar option, Roll up Gantt Bar to Summary option, Predecessors, Resources, Deadline, Constraint type,  Constraint date, Task type, Calendar, WBS Code, Mark task as milestone option, and to add Notes. 
What does the “All Tasks Phone View” functionality do?
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The All Tasks Phone View functionality is designed for Phone and is an easy way to manage tasks from the project. The user can easily search through the tasks by task name. 
What versions Project Plan 365 app support for saving?
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The MPP files saved with Project Plan 365 are compatible with Microsoft Project 2010 and newer versions.
How do I check the version of Microsoft Project that I use?
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In case of Microsoft Project 2016 and 2013, this value is located in the Account menu from the File backstage. In case of Microsoft Project 2010, this value is located in the Help menu from the File backstage.
What is Microsoft Project?
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Microsoft Project is a project management software product, developed and sold by Microsoft.
What views are available for Agile projects?
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The available Views for Agile projects are: Task Board, Backlog Board, Sprint Planning Board, Current Sprint Board, Agile Tasks, Backlog Sheet, Sprint Planning Sheet, Current Sprint Sheet.
What is Kanban?
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Kanban is an agile methodology that uses a backlog and board statuses to manage work in progress.
What is Scrum?
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Scrum is an agile methodology that uses sprints (time-boxed iterations, typically two weeks long) to organize tasks and allows for quick goal shifting.
How do I create a new Agile project?
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To create a new agile project, go to File - New and choose Scrum Project or Kanban Project.
The Constraint Type and Constraint Date fields are editable in grid on all platforms?
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The fields Constraint Type and Constraint Date are editable in the grid only on Project Plan 365 for Windows, Project Plan 365 for Mac and Project Plan 365 for iOS. 

What does the “Gantt Chart Actions” functionality do?
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“Gantt Chart Actions” describes what actions can be performed in the right-side portion of the Gantt Chart or Tracking Gantt View.
How can I figure out the length of the project I want to print?
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The status bar at the bottom of the “Print Preview” window shows the current page number and the total number of pages.
What are Project Plan 365 keyboard shortcut?
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Project Plan 365 keyboard shortcut is a series of one or several keys that invoke the app to perform a preprogrammed action.
What does the “Font Text Style” functionality do? 
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The “Font Text Style” functionality allows you to modify the font, font size and color for the selected text.
What does the “Print for Web” functionality do? 
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The “Print for Web” functionality allows you to print the active view of the current project on paper, by using a printer connected to your laptop or desktop computer.
What does the “Print for iOS” functionality do?
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The “Print for iOS” functionality allows you to print the active view of the current project on paper, by using a connected printer to your iOS device.
What settings can I configure in Page Setup? 
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The following settings that you can make in Page Setup dialog are saved with your project, when the current view is Gantt Chart: Orientation, Paper size, Adjust to, Scaling, Fit to, Borders (on every page/none), Print first X columns, Print all sheet columns, Print blank pages, Print notes. 
Do the settings modified in Page Setup apply to all the views?
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The settings made in Page Setup apply only to the active view. The name of the active view appears in the Page Setup title bar: for example, Page Setup - Gantt Chart. 
What does the “Move Project” functionality do?
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The “Move Project” functionality adjusts the start and finish dates for all tasks based on the new project start date.