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To export to Excel resources from table on Windows and Mac platforms, for the desired project, go to menu File – Export – Export to Excel. Select a location, type in a name and click Save. In the Export Wizard dialog that appears, select the Selected Data option and click Next. In the Map Options section select Resources then click Next. In the Resource Mapping section, type in a name for the Worksheet, click on Based on Table… button, select the desired base table and click OK. The mapping in the grid will be completed with the columns from the selected table. Click Finish for the project to be exported to excel with the selected settings. Tips: You can move the rows order by selecting a row and clicking on up/down arrows near Move. You can add/remove rows by clicking Insert Row or Delete Row buttons. You can add/remove all the available resource fields by clicking Add All or Clear All buttons.
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To export to Excel tasks from table on Windows and Mac platforms, for the desired project, go to menu File – Export – Export to Excel. Select a location, type in a name and click Save. In the Export Wizard dialog that appears, select the Selected Data option and click Next. In the Map Options section select Tasks then click Next. In the Task Mapping section, type in a name for the Worksheet, click on Based on Table… button, select the desired base table and click OK. The mapping in the grid will be completed with the columns from the selected table. Click Finish for the project to be exported to excel with the selected settings. Tips: You can move the rows order by selecting a row and clicking on up/down arrows near Move. You can add/remove rows by clicking Insert Row or Delete Row buttons. You can add/remove all the available task fields by clicking Add All or Clear All buttons.
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To export to excel using a Project Excel Template on Windows and Mac platforms, for the desired project, go to menu File – Export – Export to Excel. Select a location, type in a name and click Save. In the Export Wizard dialog that appears, select the Project Excel Template option then click Finish. The project will be exported to Excel in .xlsx format based on a template.
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In order to export to Excel only the summary tasks, you need to apply the "Summary Tasks" filter. In order to do that, go to the Project menu - Filter - Summary Tasks. After that, go to the File menu - Export - Export to Excel, type the name of the file and press "Save". Follow the steps from Export Wizard and click Finish.Note: On iOS and Web platforms, when going to menu File – Export – Export to Excel, just select the desired file location and click Save. The project will be saved in .CSV format.
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Example for how to export to Excel a sample project from c:\my files folder with Project Plan 365:
ProjectPlan.exe /csv “c:\my files\sample.mpp”- this command will create sample.csv file in c:\my files folder.
For automation purposes, the following script sample can be used (exportCSV.bat):
@echo off
set PP="C:\Program Files (x86)\Husatonic\ProjectPlan365\ProjectPlan.exe"
cmd /c "%PP% /csv %1"
if %ERRORLEVEL% neq 0 (
echo Export error for %1
) else (
echo Successfully exported %1
Usage: exportCSV.bat projectpath
PP variable should be set to actual application path – export result will be displayed on the screen. The exported file will be added to projectpath location.
It is available for Gantt Chart, Tracking Gantt and Task Sheet views. By using this option, the content of the list of tasks will be exported in a CSV format.Note: Using an automatic command can export projects to excel only in .CSV format.
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Exporting a project to Excel via an automatic command is only available on Project Plan 365 for Windows.
General command line syntax:
ApplicationName [/switch] projectpath
/csv – export to Excel file (CSV format) for default view (currently supported views are: Gantt Chart, Task Sheet, Resource Sheet and Team Planner).Note: Using an automatic command can export projects to excel only in .CSV format.
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To export a project to an excel file follow these steps:1. Open desired project file.2. Open desired views (Gantt Chart, Tracking Gantt, Resource Sheet, Task Sheet, Team Planner).3. Go to menu File– Export – Export to Excel.4. Select the desire file location and click Save.5. In the Export Wizard dialog that appears, select the desired option: Project Excel Template or Selected Data.6. Follow the steps from the Export Wizard and click Finish for the file to be exported in a .XLSX format.Note: On iOS and Web platforms, when going to menu File – Export – Export to Excel, just select the desired file location and click Save. The project will be saved in .CSV format.
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- Click on the desired cell you want to duplicate to select it, hold the drop down rectangle then drag and drop down/up as many cells as you need to fill in.
- Select the cell you want to duplicate as well as all the down/upper cells you want to fill in, right click and from the contextual menu select Fill Down.
- Select the cell you want to duplicate as well as all the down/upper cells you want to fill in, go to menu Task – Fill and click the Fill Up or Fill Down.
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