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What is “Mail List”?
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A “Mail List” represents a collection of email addresses of people that have subscribed to a newsletter.

How to activate the subscription on Android device?
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To activate the subscription on Android device please follow the steps below:   
  1. First please check if you are signed in on Google Play with the account used to buy the subscription.
  2. Go inside application and go to the menu Help –  Subscriptions .
  3. Press on the Restore Editor Subscription button.  
  4. Wait for the confirmation message.
How to access Project Plan 365 Portal page?
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Please click on the following link to access our Online Portal page: https://www.projectplan365.com/ups/Account/SignIn
I’ve paid for the new subscription but the program keeps telling me that it’s expired.
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Please Sign Out and back Sign In with your email and password inside the application (look upper right corner for the Sign In button).
How do I change the role for a team member from Read-Only to Editor?
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To change the role for a team member from Read-Only to Editor, Sign In in our Project 365 Online Portal and in Team Members page change the role for the desired team member. Note: 
1. By default, the owner of the organization has the Editor role.
2. If you already purchased a subscription, please know that you need to purchase a subscription for each Editor team member.
3. You can add as many read-only team members as you need for free.

I'm trying to reset password and the system doesn't recognize the validation code
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Please make sure there were not extra characters/spaces added when copying the code. The code expires after 15 min so you will need to submit another request if 1st was longer than that.
Where can I find the Account menu on an Android device?
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The Account menu for Android devices is available only in the application from our website.
Please download and install our latest application from the Download page. Then, from backstage, click on the Account menu.
What happens when I Register with a license key and I Signed In with a Standard or Business Subscription?
Question Link
If you Signed In with a Standard or Business Subscription when a license key is used to register, a message will appear, to register the application with a license key you need to Sign Out. Press on the Sign Out button from the Alert dialog or from the upper right corner.

How can I reset my password?

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If you forgot your password for your account, go to our Forgot Password page and insert your email address. You will receive a code on your email. Insert the code and the new password for your account.

Why is my restore subscription button grayed out?
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If the Restore Subscription button is grayed out it means that the subscription from App Store has already been restored.
I purchased Complete Editor subscription from App Store. How can I use this subscription on other platform or device?
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If you have bought your subscription from App Store and want to use it on other devices please make sure you downloaded and installed our latest application from App Store.
1. Open the application.
2. Go to menu Help-Subscriptions.
3. Press on Restore Complete Editor Subscription.
4. Wait for the confirmation message.
5. If you don’t have a Project Plan 365 account, Sign Up on our Online Portal page.
6. Sign In with your email and password inside the application in order to copy the subscription information from App Store to your Project 365 account.
7. Then, if you want to use the subscription on other device or platform you need to download and install on that device the latest app from our Download page.
8. Then Sign In with your email and password inside Project Plan 365 application (look upper right corner for Sign In button). 

How much does a subscription cost?
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You can find the cost for Standard/Business Subscription in our Purchase page.

Do you have the edit functionality?
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You can edit mpp files using our editor tool https://www.projectplan365.com/download/.
Why I cannot share the MPP file?
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The Share functionality is available only for Editor team members.
Does the subscription restore when I open the application?
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The subscription from our website will be restored automatically each time you open the application. In this way, your subscription will be up to date and you don’t need to manually restore the subscription or to Sign Out and back Sign inside app.
When do I need to restore the subscription?
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You need to restore the subscription when you made some changes to your subscription information. For example, when you renew your expired subscription or you upgraded from Standard to Business Subscription. Once you open the application, the subscription will be automatically restored. 
I can't Sign in inside application.
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There are two possibilities. You purchased the application from the store (Microsoft Store, App Store, Google Play Store) and you don't need to Sign In, just go to menu Help-Subscriptions and press on Start Complete Editor Subscription. Or you purchased the application from our website and you don't remember the email address you used. Please submit a ticket to our Support Team

Can we assign a role so that a user can edit plan but not delete tasks?
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The Editor has full control over an mpp file. The Read-Only member can only open and read the file.

How do I modify my email address?
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To modify your email address please contact our support team https://www.projectplan365.com/contact-support/.
How many business roles are there?
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Users assigned in a Standard or Business organization can have the following roles: Editor, Read-Only.

What does the “View All the Projects from Drive 365” functionality do?
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The “View All the Projects from Drive 365” allows you to view all the existing projects from our private Drive 365 cloud service.
What does the “Start 30-Day Standard Trial” functionality do?
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The “Start 30-Day Standard Trial” functionality allows you to evaluate for free our application for 30 days.
Why after I canceled the Business Trial, I cannot revert to Business Trial?
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If you canceled the Business Trial, you cannot revert to Business Trial.
How do I unlock the features on the web application?
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To unlock the features you need to start a 30-Day Standard or a Business trial.
What does the “Start 30-Day Business Trial” functionality do?
Question Link
The “Start 30-Day Business Trial” functionality allows you to evaluate for free our application for 30 days. The 30 days free trial include the fully functional product.