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What does the “Help” button inside the “Advanced tab – Options dialog” do?
Question Link
The “Help” button inside the “Advanced tabOptions dialog” redirects us to the “Advanced Options” article in our Online Help page.
What does the “Help” button inside the “Properties” dialog do?
Question Link
The “Help” button inside the “Properties” dialog redirects us to the “Properties” article in our Online Help page.
How to change the font color in Notes field?
Question Link
To change the font color in Notes field, please insert the Notes column in Gantt Chart view by going to menu Format-Insert Column.Then, select the desired notes cell and change the font color using the Task menu in the ribbon.
Can I add Cost next to the bars in Gantt Chart?
Question Link
If you want the Cost to appear in the Gantt Chart, please go to the Format menu - Bar Styles option, select the Text Tab. Then, from Right - select the column Cost. Press OK and the Cost will be displayed in the Gantt Chart.
Is there a shortcut to add a new task?
Question Link

To add a task using a keyboard shortcut, on a Windows machine, please use the Insert key. On a Mac device, please use "Fn+Enter" keys.

How can I split the Timeline view?
Question Link
We are sorry but the Timeline view can't be displayed in split view yet.
What does the “Help” button inside the “Timescale” dialog do?
Question Link
The “Help” button inside the “Timescale” dialog redirects you to the “Timescale” article in our Online Help page.
What does the “Help” button inside the “Progress Lines” dialog do?
Question Link
The “Help” button inside the “Progress Lines” dialog redirects you  to the “Progress Lines” article in our Online Help page.
What does the “Help” button inside the “Layout” dialog do?
Question Link
The “Help” button inside the “Layout” dialog redirects us to the “Layout” article in our Online Help page.
What does the “Help” button inside the “Select Language” dialog do?
Question Link
The “Help” button inside the “Select Language” dialog redirects us to the “Language” article in our Online Help page.
How do I hide multiple adjacent columns?
Question Link
In order to hide multiple adjacent columns, click on a column header, hold down SHIFT key and then click on the last column you want to hide. Once they are selected, right click on a selected column and from contextual menu select “Hide Column” option.
How do I hide multiple random columns?
Question Link
In order to hide multiple random columns, click on a column header, hold down  the CTRL key and then click on the header of the column that you want to hide. Once they are selected, right click on a selected column and from contextual menu select “Hide Column” option.

What does the “Help” button inside the “Column Definition” dialog do?
Question Link
The “Help” button inside the “Column Definition” dialog redirects us to the “Insert/Hide/Move Column” article in our Online Help page.
What does the “Help” button inside the “Gridlines” dialog do?
Question Link
The “Help” button inside the “Gridlines” dialog redirects you to the “Gridlines” article in our Online Help page.
What does the “Help” button inside the Task Dependency dialog do?
Question Link
The “Help” button inside the Task Dependency dialog redirects you to the “Link Unlink Tasks” article in our Online Help page.
What does the “Help” button inside the Font dialog do?
Question Link
The “Help” button inside the Font dialog redirects you to the “Font Text Styles” article in our Online Help page.
What does the “Help” button inside the Text Styles dialog do?
Question Link
The “Help” button inside the Text Styles dialog redirects you to the “Font Text Styles” article in our Online Help page.
What does the “Help” button inside the “Bar” dialog do?
Question Link
The “Help” button in the “Bar” dialog redirects you to the “Bar” article in our Online Help page.
What does the “Help” button in the “Bar Styles” dialog do?
Question Link
The “Help” button in the Bar Styles dialog redirects you to the “Bar Styles” article in our Online Help page.
How do I format a specific group of tasks?
Question Link
To change the text style for a specific group of tasks, please go to menu Format-Text Styles. Select the group of tasks and make the desired changes.
On which platform is the “Font Control” option available?
Question Link

The “Font Control” option is available only on Windows and Mac platforms.

Why I can’t see the “Text Styles” button in ribbon on the Mac platform?
Question Link
If the “Text Styles” button is not visible in ribbon, please press "More" button. You should be able to find in the dropdown the button that doesn't fit inside the ribbon because of the small window size.
How can I open the “Font” dialog?
Question Link
In order to open the “Font” dialog, select the desired task or cell, right click on it and from contextual menu select “Font” option. The “Font” dialog appears from which you can make the desired changes.
Why I can’t see the “Timescale” button in ribbon on the Mac platform?
Question Link
If the “Timescale” button is not visible in ribbon, please press  "More" button. You should be able to find in the dropdown the button that doesn't fit inside the ribbon because of the small window size.
Why I can’t see the “Progress Lines” button in ribbon on the Mac platform?
Question Link
If the “Progress Lines” button is not visible in ribbon, please press  "More" button. You should be able to find in the dropdown the button that doesn't fit inside the ribbon because of the small window size.