FAQs Install/Uninstall

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How do I customize the installation process for Project Viewer on Windows?
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​To custom install Project Viewer 365 on Windows follow these steps:
1. Log on to your computer with administrative rights.
2. In Windows Explorer locate the Housatonic Project Viewer MSI install program.
3. Run ProjectViewer.msi and follow the onscreen instruction. 4. Select Custom on install type dialog, and then choose what clouds features to be installed.
5. Click Finish to end the installation Process.
How do I uninstall Project Viewer for Windows?
Question Link
To uninstall Project Viewer 365 for Windows open Start - Control Panel - Add Remove Programs. Select Project Viewer 365, then Remove.​​
The UI it almost looks like a Citrix session - does the software communicate back to your servers at all (other than licensing)?
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Our application is not Citrix or other type web session- is a standalone app that runs directly on the installed device