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What is Mpp?
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MPP is an extension for a project file used by Microsoft Project project management software. These files store the info used by Microsoft Project to manage the assigning, tracking and reporting results on the aspects of project work, teams, schedules and finances.
How do I create a project based on an Excel file?
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To create a new project from an Excel Workbook click File - New - New From Excel Workbook.
Can I import from Excel file the tasks and resources if they are in the same sheet?
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Importing a file from Excel or CSV will not update Resources and Tasks at the same time if they are on the same sheets. The excel file will need to have separate sheets for Tasks and Resources.
How do I import data from other sheets in an Excel File?
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The Import Wizard will, by default, import data from the first sheet in the Excel file. If your data is on another sheet, you will need to select in the Import Wizard the name of the sheet you want to use.

How do I import an Excel file?

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To import a file from Excel or CSV go to File - Import/Export - Import Files - Import from Excel. Select the desired file and click Open. After managing the Import Wizard settings click Finish.

I don't want to import all columns from Excel. How to remove these columns?
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If there are columns in your Excel or CSV file which you don't want to import, you can select the field in the mapping grid and then press Delete Row. If you removed a field by mistake you can press the Add All button in order to repopulate the mapping grid with all the columns from the Excel/CSV file.​
Why Finish button is disabled on Import wizard?
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If the Finish button is disabled in the Import wizard it means that you either have unmapped columns or you selected to import both Tasks and Resources and you only mapped the task fields. You should first press Next button if it is enabled, map the resource fields and then press Finish to finalize the import.​
Why Next button is disabled on Import wizard?
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If the Next button is disabled in the Import wizard it means that some of the columns in your Excel files are not yet mapped. If you do not see the "(not mapped)" text in the mapping grid, scroll down because the not mapped columns could be at the end of the list.​
What is the difference between Export to MPP and Save As MPP?
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There's no difference between export to mpp and save as mpp.
What does the “Options dialog” functionality do?
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The “Options dialog” functionality allows you to change the General Settings, Project Info, Schedule, Advanced or the Risk Management settings.

What can I set in Risk Management tab from Options dialog?
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In Risk Management tab from Options dialog, you can enable/disable the risk management feature and customize the risk management fields.
What is the default language for spell check?
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The default language for spell check is the same language with keyboard language used on device.
How do I change the spell check language on Windows?
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The spell check language can be changed from keyboard language using the language bar.
What does the "Spell Check" functionality do?
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The Spell Check, as the name describes it, recognizes misspelled words typed in Task Name or Task Notes fields.
Why cannot access the Risk Management tab under Options dialog?
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In order to use the Risk Management feature, you need a Business Subscription.
What is Risk and Risk Management?
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A risk, in the context of project management, is an uncertain event or condition that impacts at least one of the project’s objectives when it occurs.Risk Management is the process of identifying, assessing and mitigating the risks.
How can I group tasks by risk?
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In order to group tasks by risk, go to the Project ribbon tab, open Group options and then select Group by Risk.
How can I see only high-risk tasks?
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To see only high-risk tasks, insert the Risk column in the current table, click the autofilter arrow and check only the "High" risk level.
How to filter tasks by risk?
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In order to filter tasks by risk, you can use the autofilter option on the Risk field - Insert the Risk column in the current table, click the autofilter arrow, uncheck the risk levels that you want to hide.
How can I customize risk levels?
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You can customize risk levels in the Options dialog - Risk Management tab.
How to set risk level for a task?
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To set the risk level, insert the Risk column in the current table (if not already inserted) and assign the desired risk level by opening the dropdown menu inside the Risk cell.
How to enable risk management?
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To enable risk management, open the Options dialog (Backstage -> Options), navigate to the Risk management tab and enable the checkbox. Click OK and you can start assigning risk levels to tasks and track the risk in the Risk View.
How do I track risk with the app?
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The Risk view helps you tracking the risk by grouping the tasks based on their assigned risk level. You can also use the autofilter option on the Risk field in order to hide/show tasks that have a certain risk level assigned.
Do you have a work availability field?
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To see the Work column, go to Format - Insert Column - In the Field Name box select column Work and click OK. The work availability column will appear in the grid. If you want to see the working hours per day, please look at the Resource Calendar. To do this, go to menu Project - Change Working Time and select the desired calendar.
How do I change all dates from an old project?
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To change all dates from an old project you need to move the project start date. Go to menu Project – Move Project and select another date and click OK. Make sure that the % complete for your tasks is 0%.