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Can I change the table for Resource Usage view?
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The Resource Usage view displays categories of information about the resources, arranged in tables. The default table for the Resource Usage view is the Usage table, but you can select any of the resource tables to display information about the project's resources. To do this, go to Project-Table and select the table you want to view.
How to use the Resource Usage view?
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In order to use the Resource Usage view, please go to menu View-Resource Usage or in View Bar click on Resource Usage button.
What does the “View Bar” functionality do?
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The View Bar functionality displays icons of the most commonly used views (Gantt Chart, Resource Sheet, and so on). The View Bar provides a convenient means of changing views by just clicking the icons that appear on the View Bar.
How many types of views are?
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There are three types of views: Charts or graphs, Sheets, and Forms.
What is a View?
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A View is the combination of one or more views and if applicable, a table and a filter. Use views to work with information in a variety of formats.
What is a “View Bar”?
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A view bar is a screen element of application that appears along the left edge of the window.
How to change the working days for my project?
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In order to change the working days for your project, access Options from the File menu. In the Options dialog, go to the Schedule tab and check the desired working days from the Default working days group. Another way to change the working days is to select a non-working day from the date-picker pop-up in the Start/Finish column and then, in the Alert message select the Adjust the default working days option from which you have to check the desired working days based on your needs.
What does the “Change Working Days” functionality do?
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The Change Working Days functionality, as the name describes it, allows you to change the working and non-working days for the project based on your needs.
In what views is allowed to insert tasks?
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Adding a task is allowed only in Gantt Chart, Tracking Gant and Task Sheet views.
What happens when I assign a resource to a task?
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When you assign a resource to a task, if the resource is a new one and it does not exist previously in your project, it will be automatically added to the resources list in the Resource Sheet and by default it will be a work resource.
How do I create Earned Value report?
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In order to create the Earned Value report for your plan, go on Reports – Cost – Earned Value.
What does the “Earned Value” report?
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The Earned Value report displays the project earned value.
How do I split a task?
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To split a task, go to menu Task-Split then drag and drop from a Gantt Bar in order to create a split in the middle of the bar.

How can I move a column in front of another?
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To Move a column, click on the column name cell from the table header to select the entire column, hold down the column, drag it and release it in front of the column where you want to place it.

When I hide a column, how can I unhide it?
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To Insert a column, click on the Format menu – Insert Column or select Insert column from contextual menu.

How do I add resources to my project?
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There are multiple ways you can insert resources. Click the View tab and then click on Resource Sheet view. In the Resource Name field, type a work, cost or material resource name. Another possibility of inserting a resource is to use Insert option under Resource tab or press the Insert key on your keyboard. Alternatively, you can right click on the id of a resource and from the contextual menu click on New Resource option from the contextual menu.

How to change the duration of a split task?
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To change the duration of the entire split task (including all of its sections), type a new duration in the Duration field, also the duration can be adjust using drag and drop action on bar.
How can bar styles be changed for split tasks?
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By default, split tasks are represented in the Gantt Chart view with dotted lines connecting each split portion. You can change the appearance of the split by modifying the split bar style using Bar Style dialog.
How to remove split task section?
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To remove a split in a task (join), drag a section of the task until it touches another section
How do I change the Progress Lines?
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To change the Progress Lines go to Gantt Chart views and select the Progress Lines from Format menu or right click in Gantt Panel and select Progress Lines from contextual menu.

What does the “Progress Lines” functionality do?
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Progress lines shows whether tasks are behind, or right on schedule. They appear as lines on the Gantt Chart view.
What does the “Gridlines” functionality do?
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Gridlines option is used for enhancing the visibility of a view, by changing the pattern and colors of gridlines (vertical or horizontal lines that divides columns or rows in a view).
When a row is moved, does the task retain its level
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Moving a task can change its outline level. A task retains its level in the outline only when you move the task to follow a task at the same level.Comparatively, if you move a lower-level task to a section of tasks at a higher level — for example, move a third-level task to a section of second-level tasks — the moved task takes on the level of the task preceding it. And the converse is true when you move a higher-level task to follow a lower-level task.
What does the “Move column” functionality do?
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The “Move Column” functionality, as the name describes it, allows the possibility to move a column in project.
In which views is allowed to Hide a column?
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To hide a column is allowed in a sheet view, either a task type view (i.e. Gantt Chart, Tracking Gantt or Task Sheet) or resource type view (i.e. Resource Sheet).