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What is Fixed Work Task type?
What is Fixed Work Task type?
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What is Fixed Units Task Type?
What is Fixed Units Task Type?
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What does the “Set Task Type” functionality do?
What does the “Set Task Type” functionality do?
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The “Set Task Type” functionality, as the name indicates, allows you to change the types of automatically-scheduled tasks. The available task types are: fixed units, fixed work, and fixed duration. Project looks at a task's type to determine how duration, work, and units will behave as Project schedules your project.
How to change the Task Mode for a task?
How to change the Task Mode for a task?
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To change the Task Mode, click in the Task Mode field. In the list that appears, click Manually Scheduled or Auto Scheduled. You can also select specific tasks, then in the Task Information dialog under Task menu, General tab, in the Schedule Mode group, select Manually Scheduled or Auto Scheduled and click OK.
What are manually scheduled tasks?
What are manually scheduled tasks?
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Manual tasks are tasks with task mode manually scheduled. They should be used when you want to explicitly set a task's start and finish dates and not allow it to be changed automatically by the scheduler based on changes to other tasks. When a task is in manually scheduled mode, the Start, Finish, and Duration columns can be blank or include text values in addition to recognizable dates.
What are automatically scheduled tasks?
What are automatically scheduled tasks?
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What does the “Set Task Mode” functionality do?
What does the “Set Task Mode” functionality do?
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The “Set Task Mode” functionality gives you the option of deciding how much control you want over task scheduling in a project. The Task Mode field indicates whether a task is scheduled manually or automatically scheduled. By default, tasks are set as auto scheduled, with a start date, finish date, and duration calculated based on inserted fields values.
How to enter a material resource in Resource Sheet view?
How to enter a material resource in Resource Sheet view?
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How do I set start finish date hours?
How do I set start finish date hours?
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Before starting to schedule your project by setting start and finish dates, you can use the Date Format option on the File menu in the Options dialog box to specify the date format used to display information in date fields. For a task you can enter the time and the date in any order or you can use calendar picker to select desired date and hour.
What does the “Set start finish date hours” functionality do?
What does the "Set start finish date hours" functionality do?
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How do I change task scheduling options defaults for days, weeks, and months?
How do I change task scheduling options defaults for days, weeks, and months?
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What does the “Change task scheduling options defaults for days, weeks, and months?” functionality do?
What does the “Change task scheduling options defaults for days, weeks, and months?” functionality do?
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The “Change task scheduling options defaults for days, weeks, and months” functionality, as the name describes it, allows to make changes in the tasks scheduling settings to indicate how much time you want to constitute a day, a week, and a month when entering and reviewing durations in a task view. It can also help you synchronize task scheduling with what you've established in the working time calendars for resource.
How do I exit the full screen mode?
How do I exit the full screen mode?
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How do I change the font settings for all the tasks or for a particular type?
How do I change the font settings for all the tasks or for a particular type?
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How do I delete a task from my project?
How do I delete a task from my project?
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Does deleting a task affect the project schedule?
Does deleting a task affect the project schedule?
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Deleting a task from your project may affect your schedule and you may run into problems. If you have started tracking actual work for your project, don't remove tasks that have actual work or other tracking data associated with them, or you'll lose valuable historical project information. If you delete a summary task, either being collapsed or expanded, all of its subtasks are also deleted. After you delete a task, the application automatically renumbers the remaining tasks.
Does deleting a resource affect the project schedule?
Does deleting a resource affect the project schedule?
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Deleting a resource from your project may affect your schedule and you may run into problems. The resource assignments involving a resource are also removed from the tasks in your project: deleting a resource means any assignments you’ve made are gone as well, such that you run the risk of orphaning tasks without anyone to perform them. Costs could change: when you remove a resource from a task, the application deletes any actual costs associated with the resource
How do I add text to a type of bars in Gantt Chart?
How do I add text to a type of bars in Gantt Chart?
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How do I change the color, shape, or pattern of Gantt bars?
How do I change the color, shape, or pattern of Gantt bars?
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What does the “Bar Styles” functionality do?
What does the “Bar Styles” functionality do?
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What is the difference between Assignment and Time Phased Assignment Fields?
What is the difference between Assignment and Time Phased Assignment Fields?
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Assignment fields show information for each assignment. Assignment fields can be displayed in the sheet portion of the Task Usage and Resource Usage views Time Phased assignment fields show information for each assignment as distributed over its duration. Time Phased assignment fields can be displayed in the time phased portion of the Resource Usage and Task Usage Views.
What is the difference between Resource and Time Phased Resource Fields?
What is the difference between Resource and Time Phased Resource Fields?
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Resource fields show information for each resource, including summarized information on all tasks assigned to each resource. Resource fields can be displayed in the resource views such as the Resource Sheet and Resource Usage views. Time Phased resource fields show information for each resource as distributed over the duration of resource availability on the project. Time Phased Resource fields can be displayed in the time phased portion of the Resource Usage View.
What is the difference between Task and Timephased Task Fields?
What is the difference between Task and Timephased Task Fields?
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Task fields show task-related information and can be displayed in the task views such as the Gantt Chart, Task Sheet, and Network Diagram views. Time Phased task fields show information for each task as distributed over its duration. Time Phased task fields can be displayed in the Time Phased portion of the Task Usage View.
How can I see the Total Slack field for my tasks?
How can I see the Total Slack field for my tasks?
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When should I use the Total Slack field?
When should I use the Total Slack field?
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Use the Total Slack field to determine whether the task has any time available for a delay. This can be useful if a resource needs more time on a task, or if you want to assign a resource to another task. You can also use the Total Slack field to determine how to recover a schedule that's slipping.