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Do calendars affect each other?
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Calendars override each other's settings in the following ways. When you create a task, the project calendar schedules the task. When you add a resource to a task, the resource calendar controls the scheduling of the task.​
What is a Base Calendar?
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Base calendars are the foundations for the other types of calendars. You can choose a base calendar to be the project calendar or to apply a base calendar to tasks as task calendars. Base calendars come in 3 forms : Standard, 24-Hours calendar, Night Shift calendar.
How do Project calendars work?
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Project calendars set the standard working and non-working times for the project as a whole. If resource calendars or task calendars are not used, tasks are scheduled during the working time on the project calendar by default.
How set holidays in my Project calendar?
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To add a holiday to the Project Calendar click on Project - Change Working Time. In the For calendar list, click the calendar you want to change. For holidays, use the current project calendar. It has the words (Project Calendar) after its name. For vacation days, use the person's resource calendar. It has the same name as that person. On the Exceptions tab, add a name, start date, and finish date for each holiday or vacation day. Project reschedules tasks around the new nonworking time.​

How can I assign a calendar to a task?
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To assign a calendar to a task, in the View menu click Gantt Chart. In the Task Name field select the desired task. Open Task Information dialog, on Advanced tab select Base Calendar or insert the Task calendar column in the view and select the desired calendar to the task.
How do I create my own calendar?
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To create a customized calendar click on Project - Change Working Time - Create New Calendar. Type the desired name for your new calendar and make sure you checked "Make a copy of standard" option. Change the working days as desired and click OK.
How do I add a specific non-working day?
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To create an Exception in your calendar click on Project - Change Working Time - Exceptions. Select a name, start and finish and click Ok.
How do I assign a calendar to a task?
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To assign a calendar to a task or to a recurring subtask follow these steps:
1. On the View menu, click Gantt Chart.
2. In the Task Name field, select the task to which you want to assign a calendar.
3. Click Task Information, and then click the Advanced tab.
4. In the Calendar box, click the calendar you want to use for the task.
Can I set a calendar for a summary recurring task?
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To assign a calendar to a summary recurring task follow these steps:
1. On the View menu, click Gantt Chart.
2. In the Task Name field, select the summary recurring task to which you want to assign a calendar.
3. Click Task Information.
4. In the Recurring Task Information dialog box, click the calendar you want to assign to the recurring task in the Calendar box.
How can I set the calendar to 7 days per week?
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To set the calendar to 7 days per week please click on Project tab - Change Working Time option and from there just click on Works Weeks tab, Details and select Saturday and then enter From-To time for the Saturday and same with Sunday.
How to change the width of an existing column without using the menu tools?
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To change the width of an existing column you must hoover over the side edges of the column until the cursor changes into a cross , then by holding the click move the mouse to the left or right, to shrink or to extend.
How to center the name of a column?
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To center the name of a column double click on the column , then click on Align Title - Center.
When I hide a column, do I erase all its data?
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When you hide a column you do not lose its data. The hide option is designed to cutomise the sheet view and avoid overcrowding.
Can I setup printing to not print all columns?
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To not print all columns go to File - Print - Page Setup - View and make sure that ”Print all sheet columns” is cleared out . This option is available only for views with a timescale.
How to change the height of Gantt bars?
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To change the height of Gantt bars go into Gantt Chart view then click on Format - Layout and change in the Bar height dialog box the size of the bars then press ok.
How to make the milestones appear as red diamonds in Gantt Chart?
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To change the shape or color of a milestone in Gantt Chart go to Format - Bar styles. Click in the row named milestone on the appearance cell corespondent to the row and select the shape and color then press ok.
Which views support style customizations?
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The views which can be customized are Gantt Chart, Task Sheet, Resource Sheet and Tracking Gantt.​
How can I customize bar appearance in Gantt Chart or Tracking Gantt views?
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The appearance of the task bars can be changed by using the “Bar Styles” or “Bar” options from the “Format” menu. By using the “Bar Styles” option, all the bars belonging to the modified category (milestone tasks, manual tasks, etc) will be changed. By using the “Bar” option, the customizations will only apply to the bar which corresponds to the selected task from grid.
How do I change the appearance of a summary task in Gantt Chart?
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To change the appearance for the summary task click on Format - Bar Styles - Summary - Appearance. In the lower bottom of the window modify the appearance as desired then click OK.
How do I change the appearance of the project summary task in Gantt Chart?
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To change the appearance for the project summary task click on Format - Bar Styles - Project Summary - Appearance. In the lower bottom of the window modify the appearance as desired then click OK.
How do I change the appearance of a milestone in the Gantt Chart?
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To change the appearance for the milestones click on Format>Bar Styles>Milestone>Appearance. In the lower bottom of the window modify the appearance as desired then click OK.
How do I make the text for all tasks Bold Italic?
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To change the Text Style to Bold Italic for the entire project click on Format - Text Styles - Bold Italic.
Where can I find the “Scaling” option?
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To find the “Scaling” option you have to go to the “File” menu and choose the Print option. Click the “Page setup” option and a dialog will open and you will see that there is the Scaling option which includes the “Adjust to” and “Fit to” commands.
Where can I find the “Print between two dates for Timeline View” option?
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To find the “Print between two dates” option, open the app then go to the “File” menu, select the “Print” option and then choose the “Page setup” option. A dialog will appear. Go to the “View” tab to reach the “Print between two dates” function.
I cannot print the Gantt Chart on Windows.
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Our print implementation uses WMI service in order to allow timescale customization from within print dialog. In this case WMI is not accessible (service not enabled or access not permitted) or one of the printers is not properly supported via WMI.