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Do you have a new version of Project Viewer 365?
Question Link
Our latest version can be found at Download page
Do you have any Project Viewer app for desktop?
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You can download our Project Viewer 365 app on your local machine from the following link: Download Project Viewer 365 
Where can we get the download for Project Viewer 365 app?
Question Link
Please download and install our latest Project Viewer 365 application at the following link: Download Project Viewer 365. 
When should I use Early Start and Early Finish date fields?
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Add the Early Start and Early Finish fields to a task view, along with the Late Start and Late Finish fields, to analyze slack time in your schedule.
How can I see the Actual and Remaining Cost?
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The Actual and Remaining Cost columns are available for various views, like Gantt Chart, Task Sheet, Resource Sheet, Resource Usage or Task Usage etc., allowing you to easily track and compare Actual and Remaining Costs with the Cost values for either Tasks, Resources or Assignments.
How the Remaining cost for a task is calculated?
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How the Remaining cost for a task is calculated?
How the Actual cost for a task is calculated?
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  1. In the actual cost calculation, we will be using for resource assignment: CostPerUseOnUnits which is CostPerUse*Units if the resource type is “work” and CostPerUse if the resource type is “material”. StandardRateWithWork = StandardRate * Work
  2. Actual Cost for a task will be: ActualCost = CostPerUseOnUnits of each resource assignment + StandardRateWithWork * PercentComplete of each resource assignment + ActualCost for resource assignments with cost resource + FixedCost * PercentComplete
How the Remaining cost for a resource assignment is calculated?
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The remaining cost is calculated by Project Plan 365 for an Assignment, a Resource or a Task by simply subtracting Actual Cost from Cost: RemainingCost = Cost – ActualCost 
How the Actual cost for a resource assignment is calculated?
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  1. If the resource type is "work": ActualCost = CostPerUse * Units + Work * StandardRate * PercentComplete
  2. If the resource type is "material": ActualCost = CostPerUse + Work * StandardRate * PercentComplete
  3. If the resource type is "cost": Actual cost will be:
    1. if the task has assigned only cost resources, ActualCost = Cost * PercentComplete
    2. if the task doesn't have assigned only cost resource, ActualCost = 0
How the Actual Cost of an Assignment is calculated?
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The Actual Cost of an Assignment is calculated using a formula similar to the cost formula. The main difference is that instead of the assignment Work field, the Actual Work field value is used. Project Plan 365 calculates this value when you adjust a task's percentage complete field. Actual Work is calculated using the formula:Assignment Actual Work = Work * Assignment's Task Percent Complete
How a cost for a task assignment is calculated?
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  1. Cost for a task is the sum of the cost of each resource assignment + Fixed Cost.
  2. If the task is a summary, the cost will be the sum of the cost of each subtasks.
How a cost for a resource assignment is calculated?
Question Link
  1. If the resource type is "work":
Cost = CostPerUse * Units + Work * StandardRate 
  1. If the resource type is "material":
Cost = CostPerUse + Work * StandardRate
  1. If the resource type is "cost":
Cost will be the assigned cost
What is the Actual Cost of a task?
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The actual cost of a task is the added actual costs of all assigned resources (or the added costs of all child tasks, in the case of a summary task), plus any fixed costs set for the task, weighted by the task percent complete value.
What is the Actual Cost of a resource?
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The actual cost of a resource is the added actual costs of all assignments that the resource has.
How do I uninstall Project Viewer from my iPad?
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To uninstall the Project Viewer 365 from your iPad, hold down the app’s icon in Launchpad, click the Delete icon (x) and then click the “Delete” button in the message that appears.
How do i install Project Viewer on my iPad?
Question Link
In order to install Project Viewer 365 for iPad, follow the steps below: 
  1. Go to our Download page.
  2. Select the iOS platform and click on the Download Project Viewer 365 button. 
  3. Use your Apple ID in App Store to download the Project Viewer 365 app to your iPad. 
  4.  If you don't have an Apple ID, you can create one in App Store. 
  5.  After downloading, Project Viewer is automatically installed in the Applications folder, and the application icon appear in Launchpad. 
How do I install Project Viewer on my Android Tablet?
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In order to install Project Viewer 365 for Android Tablet, follow the steps below:1. Go to our Download page.2. Select the Android platform and click on the Download Project Viewer 365 button.3. Go to Downloads folder. 4. Select ProjectViewer_365_Android and then click the Install button.5. Project Viewer 365 is automatically installed in the Applications folder.
How do I uninstall Project Viewer from my Tablet? I have an Android operating system.
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To uninstall the Project Viewer 365 from your Android Tablet, hold down the app’s icon, select  the “Uninstall” option and then click “OK” in the delete message that appears.
How to Uninstall the Project Plan 365 for Android Phone?
Question Link
To uninstall the Project Plan 365 from your Android Phone, hold down the app’s icon, select  the “Uninstall” option and then click “OK” in the delete message that appears.

How do I install Project Viewer on my Android Phone?
Question Link
In order to install Project Viewer 365 for Android Phone, follow the steps below:1. Go to our Download page.2. Select the Android platform and click on the Download Project Viewer 365 button.3. Go to Downloads folder. 4. Select ProjectViewer_365_Android and then click the Install button.5. Project Viewer 365 is automatically installed in the Applications folder.
How do I uninstall Project Viewer from my Phone? I have an Android operating system.
Question Link
To uninstall the Project Viewer 365 from your Android Phone, hold down the app’s icon, select the “Uninstall” option and then click “OK” in the delete message that appears.

How to Uninstall the Project Plan 365 for Android Tablet?

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To uninstall the Project Plan 365 from your Android Tablet, hold down the app’s icon, select  the “Uninstall” option and then click “OK” in the delete message that appears.

What system requirements does my Android Tablet need for Project Viewer to work?
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The minimum Android version for Project Viewer 365 is: 4.03
How can I fix the DPI problem on Windows 10?
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To fix the DPI problem on Windows 10 right click on the ProjectPlan.exe application -> Proprieties -> Compatibility tab -> Change High DPI Settings -> Check “Use this setting to fix scaling problems for this program instead the one in settings”. After that check Override high DPI scaling behavior -> select System -> press OK.
What resolution does Project Plan 365 application support?
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Our application supports any resolution, but for usability reason is recommended a resolution bigger than 800x600.