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Layout options - options for drawing the links between tasks, date format, bar height, etc.
Bar styles - the styles for drawing the bars and displaying information about bars in the particular view
Text styles - the font styles for the various texts in the view
Bar formatting - the specific formatting of a particular bar in the chart, in case the project manager intentionally changed the format to make the task stand-out from the others by its visual presentation
Row, Column, and Cell Font formatting - the specific font formatting of a particular row, column, or cell in the sheet portion of the view, in case the project manager intentionally applied a different format to highlight the particular task, field, or value
Progress Lines formatting - the progress lines activated for the view and formatting options related to them
Timescale formatting - the formatting of the different timescale tiers, as well as the calendar and presentation of the working and non-working days
Gridlines formatting - the formatting of the different gridlines for the sheet and chart portions of the view
Drawings - the different drawings and text boxes placed on the chart by the project manager, in order to place additional information for the tasks or emphasize a certain phase in the plan.
You are also able to customize the Gantt Chart views, using one of the following opportunities:
Change the different Layout options for the active Gantt Chart view.
Display, hide, or change the appearance of the timescale tiers.
Display, hide, or change the appearance of nonworking time.
Create a combination view for the Gantt Chart view to display additional information about the tasks or about the resources assigned to those tasks in a different view.
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The Gantt Chart view displays task information in two panels: the left panel displays information as a sheet and the right panel displays information as a chart. Panel 1 displays the task information as a sheet and includes details about start and finish task dates, resources assigned to them or % complete. The following columns are usually referred: Id, Indicators, Name, Duration, Start, Finish, Resource Names, Percent Complete, Predecessors. Panel 2 displays the Gantt bar representation of the tasks. The bar's length and position on the timescale indicate when that task begins and ends. In addition, the position of one task bar in relation to another indicates whether the tasks follow one another or overlap.
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The “Layout” functionality allows the user to modify the Gantt Chart in several ways to make it easier to review. You can adjust the height of bars, the link design between bars, modify the date format of the bars, roll-up tasks so that a projection of the subtasks on Gantt Chart bar is displayed at the summary task.
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