FAQs Project Tracking

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What is Overtime Rate field?
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The Overtime Rate field shows the rate of pay for overtime work performed by a resource.
What is Overtime Cost field?
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The Overtime Cost field shows the total overtime cost for a task, for a resource on all assigned tasks, or for a resource assignment.
What is Overallocated field?
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The Overallocated field indicates whether a resource is assigned to more work on a specific task or all tasks that can be completed within a normal working capacity.

What is Outline Number field?
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The Outline Number field contains the number that represents a task's position in the hierarchical outline structure.
What is Outline Level field?
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The Outline Level field indicates the position of a task or assignment in the project outline hierarchy.
What is Outline Code1-10 field?
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The Outline Code1 through Outline Code10 fields contain an alphanumeric code you define to represent a hierarchical structure of tasks or resources.
What is Objects field?
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The Objects field contains the number of objects attached to a task or associated with a resource.
What is Number1-20 field?
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The Number1 through Number20 fields store any numeric information that you want to include in your project that relate to tasks, resources, or assignments.
What is Notes field?
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The Notes field contains comments you can enter about a task, resource, or assignment.
What is Negative Slack field?
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The Negative Slack field shows the amount of negative slack for a task on the Gantt Chart view, indicating the time that must be saved so that successor tasks are not delayed.
What is Name field?
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The Name field contains the name of a task or a resource.
What is Milestone field?
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The Milestone field indicates whether a task is a milestone.
What is Max Units field?
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The Max Units field contains the maximum percentage or number of units representing the maximum capacity for which a resource is available to accomplish any tasks during the current time period.
What is Material Label field?
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The Material Label field contains the unit of measurement you enter for a material resource, for example, tons, boxes, or cubic yards.
What is Marked field?
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The Marked task field indicates whether a task is marked for additional action or identification of some kind.
What is Linked Fields field?
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The Linked Fields field indicates whether there are OLE links to the task, resource, or assignment, either from elsewhere in this project file, from another Microsoft Project file, or from another program.
What is Leveling Delay field?
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The Leveling Delay field contains the time that a task or assignment is to be delayed from its early start date because of resource leveling.
What is Leveling Can Split field?
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The Leveling Can Split field indicates whether the resource leveling function can cause splits on remaining work on this task.
What is Level Assignments field?
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The Level Assignments field indicates whether the leveling function can delay and split individual assignments (instead of the whole task) in order to resolve overallocations.
What is Late Start field?
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The Late Start field contains the latest date that a task can start without delaying the finish of the project.
What is Late Finish field?
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The Late Finish field contains the latest date that a task can finish without delaying the finish of the project.
What is Initials field?
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The Initials field shows the abbreviation for a resource name.
What is Indicators field?
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The Indicators field displays indicators that give different types of information about a task or resource.
What is Inactive field?
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Enterprise resources are not deleted. Instead, they are made inactive by a user who has administrative rights.
What is Import field?
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The Import field specifies whether a resource should be imported into Project Server as an enterprise resource. It is part of the Import Resources Wizard.