FAQs Project Tracking

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What is Default Assignment Owner field?
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The Default Assignment Owner field contains the name of the enterprise user who is responsible for entering status on a given assignment.
What is Deadline field?
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The Deadline field shows the date you enter as a deadline for the task. A deadline is a target date that indicates when you want a task to be completed.
What is Date1-10 field?
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The Date1 through Date10 fields store task, resource, or assignment date information.
What is CV% field?
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The CV% (cost variance percent) field shows the ratio of cost variance (CV) to budgeted cost of work performed (BCWP), expressed as a percentage.
What is CV field?
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The CV (earned value cost variance) field shows the difference between how much it should have cost and how much it has actually cost to achieve the current level of completion up to the status date or today's date.
What is Cumulative Work field?
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The Cumulative Work field contains the time scheduled for all resources assigned to tasks, accumulated over time.
What is Cumulative Percent (%) Complete field?
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The Cumulative % Complete field shows cumulative percent complete values for a task as distributed over time.
What is Cumulative Cost field?
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The Cumulative Cost field shows the scheduled cumulative timephased cost for a task, resource, or assignment to date.
What is Cumulative Actual Work field?
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The Cumulative Actual Work field contains the actual work done by all resources assigned to tasks, accumulated over time.
What is Critical field?
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The Critical field indicates whether a task or an assignment's task has any room in the schedule to slip, or if a task is on the critical path.
What is Created field?
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The Created field contains the date and time when a task/resource was added to the project.
What is CPI field?
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The CPI (cost performance index) field shows the ratio of budgeted (or baseline) costs of work performed to actual costs of work performed, up to the project status date or today's date.
What is Cost1-10 field?
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The Cost1 through Cost10 fields can store custom task, resource, or assignment cost information.
What is Cost Variance field?
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The Cost Variance assignment field shows the difference between the baseline cost and total cost for a task, resource, or assignment.
What is Cost Type field?
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The Cost Type field displays the cost type, as selected in the Cost Type lookup table, which is shipped with Microsoft Project Server and can be modified to reflect the organization’s specific cost types.
What is Cost Rate Table field?
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The Cost Rate Table field provides choices for which cost rate table to use for the resources assigned to a task.
What is Cost Per Use field?
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The Per-use cost is a one-time fee for the use of a resource, such as equipment. Per-use costs never depend on the amount of work done. Although a per-use cost for a work resource depends on the number of assignment units used, a per-use cost for a material resource is applied only one time.

What is Cost field?
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The Cost field shows the total scheduled or projected cost for a task, resource, or assignment, based on costs already incurred for work performed by resources assigned to the tasks, in addition to the costs planned for the remaining work.
What is Contact field?
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The Contact field contains the name of an individual responsible for a task.
What is Constraint Type field?
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The Constraint Type field provides choices for the type of constraint you can apply for scheduling a task.
What is Constraint Date field?
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The Constraint Date field shows the specific date associated with certain constraint types, such as Must Start On, Must Finish On, Start No Earlier Than, Start No Later Than, Finish No Earlier Than, and Finish No Later Than.
What is Confirmed field?
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The Confirmed field indicates whether resources assigned to a tasks have accepted or rejected their task assignments.
What is Compliance Proposal field?
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The Compliance Proposal field indicates whether the current proposal is for a project that helps meet a compliance goal, that is, whether the project is required by law, regulation, or other requirements.
What is Complete Through field?
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The Complete Through field shows the progress of a task on the Gantt Chart view, indicating the point up to which actuals have been reported for the task.
What is Committed Portfolio Selection Decision Date (Schedule) field?
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The Committed Portfolio Selection Decision Date (Schedule) field shows the result of a schedule constraint analysis on a project. You can choose Selected, Unselected, Forced-In/Out, or Custom Forced-In/Out.