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How do I apply the "Resource Group..." filter?
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In order to apply the "Resource Group..." filter, go to menu Project - Filter and select More Filters then select Resource Group... and click on Apply button.

How do I apply the "Manually Scheduled Tasks" filter?
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In order to apply the "Manually Scheduled Tasks" filter, go to menu Project - Filter and select More Filters then select Manually Scheduled Tasks and click on Apply button.

How do I apply the "Linked Fields" filter?
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In order to apply the "Linked Fields" filter, go to menu Project - Filter and select More Filters then select Linked Fields and click on Apply button.

How do I apply the "Group" filter?
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In order to apply the "Group" filter, go to menu Project - Filter and select Group or select More Filters and select Group and click on Apply button.

How do I apply the "Date Range..." filter?
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In order to apply the "Date Range..." filter, go to menu Project - Filter and select Date Range... or select More Filters and select Date Range... and click on Apply button.

How do I apply the "Critical" filter?
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In order to apply the "Critical" filter, go to menu Project - Filter and select Critical or select More Filters and select Critical and click on Apply button.

How do I apply the "Created After..." filter?
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In order to apply the "Created After..." filter, go to menu Project - Filter and select More Filters and select Created After... and click on Apply button.

How do I apply the "Backlog" filter?
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In order to apply the "Backlog" filter, go to menu Project - Filter and select Backlog or select More Filters and select Backlog and click on Apply button.

How do I apply the "All Resources" filter?
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In order to apply the "All Resources" filter, go to menu Project - Filter and select All Resources or select More Filters and select All Resources and click on Apply button.

How do I apply the "All Tasks" filter?
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In order to apply the "All Tasks" filter, go to menu Project - Filter and select All Tasks or select More Filters and select All Tasks and click on Apply button.

How do I permanently renumber task IDs when sorting by start date?
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When using the Sort functionality the tasks are rearranged in the current view based on the specified criteria. When sorting the tasks by Start Date the task IDs are automatically rearranged.
We are sorry but at this point it is not possible to sort by date and also rearrange the task IDs in numerical order. They only appear in numerical order only when you are using the “sort by ID” option.
How to insert the Leveling Delay column?
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To insert the Leveling Delay column, right click on the column before which you want to insert it, and from the contextual menu choose the “Insert column…” option. Select “Leveling Delay” for the “Filed name” and click the “OK” button.
When should I use the Leveling Delay field?
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Add the Leveling Delay field to a task view if you want to examine the delays to tasks caused by resource leveling.

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We are sorry but at this point you cannot costumize formulas.

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In order to see the %Work Complete for a specific month, first go to Format menu - Insert, select the %Work Complete column an click OK. Then go to Project menu - Autofilter. Click on the autofilter arrow next to the column heading of the Start column and check only the month you want. The autofilter arrow and the column name will turn in blue.
I need to add the Unique ID field to the .MPP file.
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In order to insert the Unique ID field, go to the Format menu - Insert Column option. From Field Name select Unique ID and press "OK".
How do I insert the "Status" column?
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In order to insert the "Status" field, go to the Format menu - Insert Column option. From Field Name select "Status" and press "OK".
How can I edit the EAC field?
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We are sorry, but at this point the EAC field is not editable.
How can I edit the CPI field?
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We are sorry, but at this point the CPI field is not editable.
How can I edit the SPI field?
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We are sorry, but at this point the SPI field is not editable.
How can I edit the BCWS field?
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We are sorry, but at this point the BCWS field is not editable.
How do I view my entire project?
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To view the entire project, you can apply the "Entire Project" zoom level. In order to do that, go to the Project Menu - Zoom - Zoom, select "Entire Project" and press "OK" for the changes to take effect.
How do I edit the Actual Cost field?
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We are sorry buy the "Actual Cost" field isn't editable in our application.
How do I sort tasks to appear in numerical order?
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To sort the tasks to appear in numerical order, go to the Project menu - Sort and click on "Sort by ID" option.
How can we order the subtasks in the subprojects by date?
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We are sorry but at the moment sort can be applied only for the entire project.