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How to remove an applied group?
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In order to remove an applied group, go to the Project menu - Group and select "No Group".
Is there a way to get the sprints in number order?
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You can use the "Sort by" option in order to sort the sprints. In order to do that, go to the Project menu - Sort - Sort by, select "Sprint/Sprint Start/Sprint Finish" field and press "Sort" for the changes to take effect.
Where is the project information dialog box?
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The Project Information dialog is located under the menu Project - Project Information. The Project Information dialog can be also accessed by going to the File menu – Info tab – Project Information.

What is Schedule?
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A schedule can be defined as a timetable for a program or project showing how activities and milestone events are sequenced and phased over the allotted period.
What is Project plan?
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Project plan si a series of activities that aim at developing an action plan which, if followed, ensures that the goals of the project are fulfilled.
What is Plan?
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A plan is a scheme aimed at achieving specific goals or objectives within a specific timeframe.
What is Project?
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A project is a set of carefully planned activities whose execution aim at accomplishing well defined objectives; a project has well defined start and end dates and involves several resources which draw some costs.
What is Project information?
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Project information is a dialog box in which you can view current information for a project.
What is Filter?
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The filter option allows the user to view a particular type of information in the project by displaying only the information the user is interested in and hiding the rest.
What is Project outline?
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Project outline is a hierarchical structure for a project that shows how some tasks fit within broader groupings.

I can't click on current date field.

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The "Current Date" field in the Project Information dialog isn't editable.

What happens if I delete the log file?
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If you delete the log file from your computer, a new .txt file will be created automatically when making actions in the application, only if the “Enable Local Logs” checkbox is checked inside the “Options” dialog.
What are the information that are logged in the .txt file?
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The following information are being logged:
  • Timestamp of event (user’s time)
  • Session Started indicator
  • Application Version
  • Application Language
  • App Events (Opened dialogs, Clicked buttons, etc.)
  • User Activity Events (Active User Email, Edit actions, Change view, etc.)
  • Errors
  • About Information
How to change the location of the log file?
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You can change the location where the text file is saved by going to the File menu – Options dialog, select “Usage Data” tab, check the “Enable Local Logs” checkbox (if not enabled) and type the full path to the file or click on the “Browse” button, select the new location, type the name of the .txt file and press “Save”. After that, click “OK” button inside the “Options” dialog for the changes to take effect. Events will be logged in the new file.
Where is the text file saved?
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The default location for the logs file is‘%AppData%/Project Plan 365/LocalLogs.txt’. This can be changed at any time.

Note: Depending on app usage, the logs file may get pretty big.
How to disable “Local Logs”?
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In order to disable “Local Logs”, go to the File menu – Options, select “Usage Data” tab and from Troubleshooting section, uncheck “Enable Local Logs” checkbox. After that, click “OK” in the “Options” dialog for the changes to take effect.
How to enable “Local Logs”?
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Local Logs are disabled by default but they can be enabled at any time. In order to enable “Local Logs”, go to the File menu – Options, select “Usage Data” tab and from Troubleshooting section, check the “Enable Local Logs” checkbox. After that click “OK” in the “Options” dialog for the changes to take effect. Events will start to be logged right away in the “Local Logs File”.
What does the “Local Logs” functionality do?
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Local Logs is a system which logs in-app events that are stored locally in a text file which can be used in order to identify the steps for reproducing an error.
How can I extract a WBS chart or diagram corresponding to the project tasks?
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You can see the Network Diagram by going to menu View-Network Diagram or you can select the view in the right bar.

To export the Network Diagram, please go to menu View-Network Diagram then go to menu File-Print.

To see the WBS you can insert the WBS column by going to menu Format-Insert columns. Select WBS and click OK.

Another way to see the WBS is to add the outline number in the Task Name column by going to menu File-Options and in Advanced tab select “Show outline number”.

How do I indicate the current date of the project?
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In order to see the current date of your project, go to the Project menu and select "Project Information" option.
How can I create a group?
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We are sorry but we don't support creating new groups in the application at this point.

How to Outdent tasks using a mouse?

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To Outdent a task with the mouse, point to the first letter of the task name. When the pointer changes to a double-headed arrow, then drag left to outdent the task. A vertical line will appear. You can outdent single task corresponding to single row selection  or multiple tasks corresponding to multiple row selection.

How to Indent a task using a mouse?

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To Indent a task with the mouse, point to the first letter of the task name. When the pointer changes to a double-headed arrow, drag right to indent. A vertical line will appear. You can indent a single task corresponding to single row selection  or multiple tasks corresponding to multiple row selection.

What does the “Help” button inside the “Zoom” dialog do?
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The “Help” button inside the “Zoom” dialog redirects you to the “Zoom” article in our Online Help page.
What does the “Help” button inside the “More Tables” dialog do?
Question Link
The “Help” button inside the “More Tables” dialog redirects you to the “Tables” article in our Online Help page.