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How do I apply the "Milestones Due This Month" filter?
Question Link

In order to apply the "Milestones Due This Month" filter, go to menu Project - Filter and select More Filters then select Milestones Due This Month and click on Apply button.

How do I apply the "Late Tasks" filter?
Question Link

In order to apply the "Late Tasks" filter, go to menu Project - Filter and select Late Tasks or select More Filters then select Late Tasks and click on Apply button.

How do I apply the "Late Milestones" filter?
Question Link

In order to apply the "Late Milestones" filter, go to menu Project - Filter and select More Filters then select Late Milestones and click on Apply button.

How do I apply the "Incomplete Tasks" filter?
Question Link

In order to apply the "Incomplete Tasks" filter, go to menu Project - Filter and select Incomplete Tasks or select More Filters then select Incomplete Tasks and click on Apply button.

How do I apply the "In Progress Tasks" filter?
Question Link

In order to apply the "In Progress Tasks" filter, go to menu Project - Filter and select More Filters then select In Progress Tasks and click on Apply button.

How do I apply the "In Progress Assignments" filter?
Question Link

In order to apply the "In Progress Assignments" filter, go to menu Project - Filter and select More Filters then select In Progress Assignments and click on Apply button.

How do I apply the "Current Sprint Remaining Tasks" filter?
Question Link

In order to apply the "Current Sprint Remaining Tasks" filter, go to menu Project - Filter and select Current Sprint Remaining Tasks or select More Filters then select Current Sprint Remaining Tasks and click on Apply button.

How do I apply the "Completed Tasks" filter?
Question Link

In order to apply the "Completed Tasks" filter, go to menu Project - Filter and select Completed Tasks or select More Filters and then select Completed Tasks and click on Apply button.

How do I apply the "Completed Milestones" filter?
Question Link

In order to apply the "Completed Milestones" filter, go to menu Project - Filter and select More Filters then select Completed Milestones and click on Apply button.

How do I apply the "Active Tasks" filter?
Question Link

In order to apply the "Active Tasks" filter, go to menu Project - Filter and select Active Tasks or select More Filters then select Active Tasks and click on Apply button.

Where can I find Cost table?
Question Link
The Cost table can be found in the Project menu - Table option.
What does indent mean?
Question Link
The indent option allows you the possibility to create summary tasks and subtasks. When you indent a task, that task becomes a child of the task above.
When does this project end?
Question Link
To see the project finish date, please go to the menu Project - Project Information dialog.
What is the difference between the work column and the duration column?
Question Link
The duration field is the total span of active working time for a task and the Work field shows the total time scheduled on a task for all assigned team members.
How do I apply the auto-scheduled tasks filter?
Question Link
We are sorry, but at this point, this filter is not available in the application.
How to change the WBS code?
Question Link
In order to change the WBS code, you need to Indent/Outdent the task according to your preferences.
How do I insert a mathematical formula in a custom field?
Question Link
We are sorry, but you cannot insert a custom field with formula at this point.
How do I edit the Accrue At field?
Question Link
We are sorry, but at this point, the Accrue At field is not editable at this point.
How do I schedule by end date?
Question Link
We are sorry, but at this point, you cannot schedule by the finish date.
How do I enter an overtime rate?
Question Link
We are sorry, but at this point the overtime rate field is not editable.
How do I remove the WBS?
Question Link
If the WBS number is present on Task Name, to remove it, please go to menu File - Options and in Advanced tab uncheck the Show outline number option. If you want to remove the WBS column, right-click on the header of the column and click on Hide Column.
How to apply a custom field filter?
Question Link
We are sorry, but at this point you cannot add a custom field filter.

In what views is the “Zoom” option available?

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The Zoom option is available in Gantt Chart, Tracking Gantt, Resource Graph, Network Diagram, Task Usage, Resource Usage, Risk and other related views.

On which views can a group be applied?
Question Link

A group can be applied on Gantt Chart, Task Sheet, Resource Sheet, Tracking Gantt, Risk and Team Planner views.​

What is Priority field?
Question Link

The Priority field indicates the level of importance given to a task, which in turn indicates how readily a task or assignment can be delayed or split during resource leveling. Priority levels range from 0 - 1000. The lowest priority is 0. The default priority is 500.
