FAQs Tasks

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When should I use manual tasks?
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Manual tasks should be used when you want to explicitly set a task's start and finish dates and not allow it to be changed automatically by the scheduler.
How to change a task from manual to auto?
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Double click on the task and go to Task Information, then check in the Schedule Mode the Auto Scheduled option.
Why do some of my tasks have the finish and start dates blank?
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Go to Format menu and click on Insert Column. Select in the Field Name - Task Mode. If you already have the task mode column skip the previous step. If the Task mode is manual change it to Auto. When tasks are Automatically scheduled, the Planner calculates the Start, Finish and Duration values.
Why is my manual task set to Fixed Duration?
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The task type for manual tasks is set to Fixed Duration to make them unchangeable for the Planner.
How to change the bar color for manual tasks?
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To change the bar color go to Format - Bar styles. Under the Name tab look for Manual Task and click on its Appearance field. Select the color you wish and press ok.
Is it possible to delete multiple tasks?
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You can delete multiple tasks by selecting multiple consecutive rows using either CTRL or SHIFT keys on you keyboard and then click on Delete option from the Task menu, or press on Delete key or use the Delete Task option from the contextual menu to delete multiple tasks at a time. The IDs of the remaining tasks will be automatically renumbered.​
Is it possible to insert more than one task at a time?
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​To insert multiple tasks, select multiple consecutive rows using either CTRL or SHIFT keys on your keyboard and then click on Insert option from the Task menu, or press on Insert key or use the New Task option from the contextual menu to insert multiple tasks at a time. These tasks will be positioned above the selected rows in the tasks list. The number of newly inserted tasks will be equal to the number of selected rows.​
Is it possible to insert a task between two tasks?
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To insert a task between existing tasks, select the row below where you want a new task to appear. On the Task tab, click the top part of the Insert button. A new task will be inserted having the title "New Task" and duration "1 day?​".
When should I create a recurring task?
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​Recurring tasks should be created when a task repeats at set intervals. If it does not repeat at set intervals, enter it as a regular task every time it occurs.