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What does the color markings in the Team Member Planner dialog mean?
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The color markings in the Team Member Planner dialog have the following meanings:Blue: Holidays/Time off – based on the global settings/team member time off valuesGray: Nonworking – if in resource calendar from the project that day is nonworking or is an exceptionRed: Overallocated – if the resource is overallocated in the current project or between projects saved in Drive 365
How do I change the duration of a task by resizing it directly in the Timeline panel in the Team Member Planner dialog?
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To change the duration of a task by resizing it, move your mouse at the end portion of the task from the current project, hold down the mouse and move the task to the right if you want to increase the duration, or to the left if you want to shorten the duration of your task. Release the mouse when you are satisfied to the resulted duration of your task.
Can I move tasks directly in the Timeline panel in the Team Member Planner dialog?
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To move tasks directly in the Timeline panel, locate the task from the current project that you want to move and drag it to the left or right as you want. Release the mouse when you find the desired date you want to move the task to.
How can I add new tasks in the Team Member Planner dialog?
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To add a new task in the Team Member Planner dialog, go to menu “Team” – “Team Member Dialog”. Right click in the Timeline panel and click “Insert Task”.
How can I hide the overallocation alerts?
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If you don’t want the overallocation alerts to appear, you can hide them by going menu “File” - “Options” – “Advanced” tab and check the “Hide overallocation alerts” checkbox then click “OK”.
How can I hide the schedule in time-off / holiday alert?
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If you don’t want the schedule in time-off / holiday alert to appear, you can hide it by going menu “File” - “Options” – “Advanced” tab and check the “Hide schedule in time off/holiday alert” checkbox then click “OK”.
How do I fix overallocation using the Team Member Planner dialog?
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To fix overallocation using the Team Member Planner dialog, go to menu “Team” – “Team Member Planner”. Select the desired team member from the drop-down list. In the Timeline panel , select a task only from the current project and change the start date / finish date and duration to fix the overallocation issue and then click “Ok”.
How can I edit a task using the Team Member Planner dialog?
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To edit a task using the Team Member Planner dialog go to menu “Team” – “Team Member Planner”. Select the desired team member from the drop-down list. In the Timeline panel, select the desired task only from the current project and change its start date / finish date and duration and then click “Ok”.Note: Complete tasks that have %Complete - 100% are not displayed in the Team Member Planner dialog.
Why does a warning appears when assigning a team member to work during a time-off / holiday?
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When assigning a team member to work on a task during a time-off / holiday, a warning will appear that will open the Team Member Planner dialog with time off/ holiday details on the team member’s assignment. Select the task only from the current project and change the start / finish dates and duration from the “Selected task” section to fix the scheduling issue.
Why does a warning appears when assigning a team member to a task?
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When assigning a team member to a task, that is already scheduled to work on another task, a warning will appear that will open the Team Member Planner dialog with details on the team member’s assignment. You can the adjust the start / finish dates and duration of the tasks from the current project only to fix the overallocation.
How can I know if a team member is already scheduled to work?
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To find out if a team member is already scheduled to work, go to the menu Team – Team Member Planner Dialog. There, you will see all the tasks to which a team member is assigned to work, along with the start and finish dates.
What information is displayed In the Team Member Planner Dialog?
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The Team Member Planner dialog displays a timeline with all the tasks for the selected team member. Also, you can find a task editing section where you can edit the tasks from the current project in order to adjust the team member’s schedule.
Where can I find the Team Member Planner dialog?
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To open the Team Member Planner dialog, go to menu “Team” – “Team Member Planner”.Note: You can also access the Team Member Planner Dialog from the Work Schedule Calendar dialog.
What does the Team Member Planner Dialog functionality do?
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The Team Member Planner Dialog functionality allows to see when a team member is free to work on the current project and in the other projects saved in Drive 365.
How can I create a folder in the Drive 365 cloud location?
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In the Drive 365 cloud location you can create a division, not a folder. In order to create a new division, go to File menu – Account - Organization Information, then click Divisions. In Divisions dialog, click Add New Division. Type division’s Name and add Team Members by choosing the team member from the drop-down list. For more information, check the Manage Divisions online help article.
How to assign the specific user as a local resource?
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You can add in your plan the name and email address for that specific resource, but you cannot import the resource in your Team. To share a file with that resource, you can go to menu Share – Share and insert the email address for that specific resource. You will be asked if you want to add that resource in your team or not.

Can I create another team member role besides the one that already exists?
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We only have two types of roles: Read Only and Editor. Please know that you cannot create other role for your team members.
How can I add a team member with read-only role?
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In order to add a new team member, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to our Online Portal page and Sign In with your email and password.
  2. Click on “Team” tab and then click on the “Add new team member” button and insert the user’s email address, set the name and the role to “Read Only”.
  3. Click on the “Add new team member” button.
  4. The invited user will receive an email to join your organization. If the team member doesn’t have an account on our website, in the received email will be a link where the team member can set the password for his account.
How to create a resource list?
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To add resources in your project using the Resource Sheet view, you can:

  1. Import the existing team members from your organization;
  2. Add other resources.

To import the existing team members from your organization, in Resource Sheet view, click on a cell in Resource Name column. A dropdown list will appear with resources that are part of your organization, but are not yet imported in your project.To add another resource that is not a team member yet, simply insert his name in Resource Name field. Later on, you can invite that specific resource into your organization by clicking on the Add Team Member button.

How to create a team?
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To assign a team member to your organization, follow the steps below:

  1. Sign In with your email and password in our Project Plan 365 Portal.
  2. Go to Team page and insert the user’s email address, set the name, role, admin, division and schedule.
  3. The invited user will receive an email to join your organization. If the team member doesn’t have an account on our website, in the received email will be a link where the team member can set the password for his account.

Note that you must have Admin rights to perform this operation.You can also add a team member to your organization directly from our app. Go to Team menu – Add Member and in Team dialog click Add New Member button.

How do I import a resource pool from a .mpp file into my project?
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Unfortunately we do not support importing a resource pool from an .MPP file at the moment.There are 2 ways to import the resources from your .MPP file in our tool:

  1. Import the resources in our Online Portal. To achieve this, open the .MPP file with the resource pool and go to Team-Import Team. Check the resources you want to import, insert their email address and assign the role: Editor or Read-Only. We recommend this option since you can later use these resources in all projects. For more info, please read the Manage Team Members article.
  2. And the second way is to copy and paste the resource into the existing project.
How do I Import the team members from my plan into organization?
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You will be asked if you want to import Team Members in the following situations:

  1. You save a project in Drive 365 for the first time and you have Work Resources that are not Team Members.
  2. You save an existing project in Drive 365 and you have Work Resources that are not already Team Members.
  3. You share a project with people that are not already Team Members.

To import Team Members manually, go to the menu Team – Import Team. A dialog will appear that will contain all Work Resources in the current project that are not Team Members. Once you enter a valid email address for the resources that you want to import, click on the Add Team Members button. Now the imported resources become Team Members.

How to add resources for tasks in the Gantt Chart view?
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To add resources from the Gantt Chart table, in the Resource Name column, write or select the resource you want to add and set the units or the number of items.To assign resources to tasks in Gantt Chart view, you can import the existing team members from your organization or to add other resources.

  1. To assign an existing team member from your organization to a task, in the Gantt Chart view, click on the down arrow in Resource Names field and from the drop-down list, select a team member (marked with an icon).
  2. To add a resource that is not a team member, simply insert his name in Resource Names field.

Another way to assign a team member or a resource to a task, is to select a task and go to menu Team - Assign - Team Member / Resource.

I have the Business feature but the Resource Leveling functionality is missing.
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If the Resource Leveling functionality isn't available in the Project Plan 365 application, please make sure you have the latest version of the application installed on your device: Download
Why isn't the "Protect Plan" option available in Project menu?
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If the Protect Plan option isn’t available in Project menu, please make sure you have the latest version of the application installed on your device: Download