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How to add resources for a task?
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There are 3 ways to assign resources to a task:

1. Using the Resource Name column - just write or select the resource/resources you want to add. Set the units or the number of items.
2. Using Task Information - Resource tab - select resources and write or select the resource/resources you want to add. Set the units or the number of items.
3. Using menu Team - Assign. Right click on a task in the grid and select Assign then select your resource and click on the Assign button.

What happens if I assign a user twice on the same subscription?
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You cannot assign a user twice on the same subscription.

Can one of my assigned users renew his subscription?
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If a user is assigned to a subscription owned by someone else, he cannot renew the existing subscriptions or purchase more subscriptions. 

Can I assign to a user the Editor role and Read-Only role?
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You cannot assign to a user both Editor and Read-Only role.

Can I assign my subscription to someone else?
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You can assign a subscription to a different user in Team Members page from our Online Portal. Remove a team member or change the role to Read-Only for an existing user and assign the remaining subscription to another team member.

Can I assign more people even though I bought less subscriptions?
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You can assign more team members into your organization than purchased subscriptions. The only condition is that the role for the new added team members to be Read-Only. If you want to add an Editor, you need to purchase another subscription.

How do I enter a per-use cost resource?
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To enter a per-use cost resource click View - Resource Sheet. In the entry table click on column Type select Cost. After this, assign that resource of type cost to a task using the Task Information dialog. In Resources tab select the cost resource and enter the cost, then click on the OK button.

When I assign a team member to my organization, will he/she receive an email?
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When you assign a team member to your business, if he/she has an account on our website, he/she will receive an email to join your Business. If the assigned team member doesn't have an account, the user receives a link inside the email to set the password for his new account.​​

How to find out resource's available time?
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In order to find out resource's available time, please go to menu View - Resource Usage.
How to find out why a resource is overallocated?
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In order to find out why a resource is overallocated, please go to menu View - Resource Usage.
What is Work field?
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The Work field shows the total time scheduled on a task for all assigned resources, the total time to which a resource is scheduled on all assigned tasks, or the total amount of time scheduled for a resource on a task.
What is Unit Availability field?
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The Unit Availability field contains the percentage or number of maximum units that a work resource is available to accomplish on any tasks during any selected time period, as distributed over time.
What is Overallocated field?
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The Overallocated field indicates whether a resource is assigned to more work on a specific task or all tasks that can be completed within a normal working capacity.

What is Notes field?
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The Notes field contains comments you can enter about a task, resource, or assignment.
Can Project Plan 365 solve automatically the resource overallocation?
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Project Plan 365 app will not move your task automatically if you have an overallocated resource on two parallel tasks.
The application tells you that you have an overallocated resource by making the entire resource font with red in Resource Sheet view.
In order to solve the overallocation, you need to link the tasks and specify a predecessor.
Can I insert multiple resources on iPad?
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We are sorry, but the multiple selection feature is not available on iOS at this point.
What does the “Resource Information” functionality do?
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The Resource Information as the name describes it, allows to view basic information about the selected resource and the resource's availability and also you can change the resource name, Initials, Group, or Code for the selected resource.

My project plan does not take limited ressource into account, means 2 tasks remain in parallel with only 1 ressource allocated 100%. How can I plan my project automatically with limited ressources?
Question Link

Project Plan 365 app will not move your task automatically if you have the same resource on two parallel tasks. 

The application tells you that you have an overallocated resource by making the entire resource font with red in Resource Sheet view.

If you want tasks to be in sequence, you need to link the tasks and specify a predecessor.

Where can I set a Group for my resource?
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​To set a group for your resource click on the desired resource - Resource menu tab - Resource Information - General - Group.​
Where can I find more information about a resource?
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​To view more detailed information about a resource, in any resource view (Resource Sheet, Resource Usage, or Resource Graph), click the resource, and then click Resource Information.​
How do I assign a resource to a summary task?
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In the Gantt Chart, go to the Resource Names column. Click on the arrow and pick the resources to work on the task.

Where can I insert a resource?
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With contextual New Resource option allows you to insert a resource at any position in the list of resources from your project: either on top of the list, in the middle or at the bottom the list. In case you select a row in Resource Sheet and press Insert option the newly added resource will be inserted in the resource list above the selected row.

What does the “Insert Multiple Resources” functionality do?

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The “Insert Multiple Resources” functionality allows you to insert multiple resources at the same time.

Does deleting multiple resources affect the project schedule?
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Deleting a resource from your project may affect your schedule and you may run into problems. The resource assignments involving a resource are also removed from the tasks in your project: deleting a resource means any assignments you’ve made are gone as well, such that you run the risk of orphaning tasks without anyone to perform them. Costs could change: when you remove a resource from a task, the application deletes any actual costs associated with the resource.

What does the “Delete Resource” functionality do?

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The “Delete Resource” functionality, as the name describes it, allows the possibility of erasing a resource from a project.
