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How do I change the Font Style and Size for the Header and the Footer on Mac devices?
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In order to change the Font Size & Font Style for the Header/Footer in your printed files, please follow the steps bellow:1. Go to the File menu – Print tab.
2. Select the Page Setup option.
3. From the Page Setup dialog click on the Header/Footer tab.
4. Insert the desired text and then select it.
5. Right click on it to open the contextual menu where you can find the Font option.
How can I color the entire timescale?
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We are sorry, but at this point you can’t change the color for the entire timescale.
How do I change the color of logic lines between bars?
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The color of the link lines is the same as the color of the task bar. At the moment it cannot be customized differently.
I would like to add week numbers to the timescale.
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To customize the Timescale, go on Gantt Chart (or other view with a timescale), then open Timescale dialog by double clicking on it or by going to the Format Menu – Timescale and make the desired changes in Top Tier, Middle Tier, or Bottom Tier tab.In the Label field you can select the format of the Weeks: Week 1, Week 2, Week 3…/W1, W2, W3…/1, 2, 3… and more.
How can I show the Resource Initials next to the bars?
Question Link
In order to add the Resource initials in the Gantt Chart, go to the Format menu – Bar styles, select the Text tab, chose in which side of the Gantt Chart you want to display the Resource name initials and select the “Resource Initials” field. Press “OK” and the Resource Initials will be displayed in the Gantt Chart.
How can I change the timescale to quarters?
Question Link
In order to change the Timescale to quarters, go to the Format menu and then select the Timescale option. Click on Middle Tier tab, from "Timescale Options" section select "One Tier (Middle)", from "Units" field select "Quarters" and then click OK.
How can I have a view without resources?
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To Hide the "Resource Names" column, select from grid the column, then click on menu Format – Hide Column or select Hide column from contextual menu.
Is there a way to simultaneously view both the Gantt Chart and the Timeline views on Mac?

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We are sorry but the "Split Window" functionality isn't available on our Project Plan 365 Mac application at this point.
How can I unbold a certain task?
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To make the Text Style of a task Unbold, click on the task, go to the Task menu and then from “Font Control”, click on the “Bold” button.

How do I show the Calendar type information in Gantt Chart?
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To add the Calendar information to Gantt bars, apply the Gantt Chart View – make sure you are not selecting any particular task or bar – on the Format menu, click Bar Styles- select the type of Gantt bar – click Text tab – select "Task Calendar" – click OK.
How to set a default font style?
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We are sorry but at this point it is not possible to set a default font style.
How do I remove the non-working time from the Gantt Chart?
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In order to remove the non-working time from the Gantt Chart, go to the Format menu - Timescale and select "Non-Working time" tab. From "Formatting Options" select " Do not draw" option and click "OK" for the changes to take effect.
What is the shortcut to save the file?
Question Link
The keyboard shortcut to save a file is CTRL + S.
How do I change the Timescale to years?
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In order to change the timescale to years, go to the Format menu and then select the Timescale option. Click on Middle Tier tab, from "Timescale Options" section select "One Tier (Middle)", from "Units" field select "Years" and then click OK.
The "Bar Styles" option does not exist in the "Format" tab.
Question Link
​Please make sure you have our latest version of the application installed on your device: Download Project Plan 365
Why doesn't the spell check work?
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Please check if "Spell Check" feature is enabled. In order to do that, please go to menu File - Options and in Advanced tab, make sure that the "Check Spelling" box is checked.
How do I set the text in the fields to start in the middle of the cell?
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We are sorry but this option isn’t available in our application at this point.

If you use our application on a Mac device, you can try to change the font to “Verdana” or “Arial” and check if it fits better. In order to do that, go to the Format menu – Text Styles – change the font and press “OK”.

How do I change the background color for a column?
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To change the background color for a column, click on the column header in the grid and change the background color from the Font Control option available in Task menu.

How do I add notes next to the bars in Gantt Chart?
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If you want the notes to appear in the Gantt Chart, please go to the Format menu - Bar Styles option, select the Text Tab. Then, from Right - select the column "Notes". Press "OK" and your Notes will be displayed in the Gantt Chart.
How do I change the view in the lower pane?
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In order to change the view in the lower pane, make sure you click in the bottom view and then from the left side View bar, select the desired view.
What views can be displayed in the lower pane?
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The following views can be displayed in the lower pane: Gantt Chart, Resource Sheet, Task Sheet, Tracking Gantt, Task Form, Task Usage, Resource Form, Resource Graph, Resource Usage.
What views cannot be displayed in the lower pane?
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The following views cannot be displayed in the lower pane: Calendar, Risk View, Team Planner, Timeline and Task Board.
How to change the color of Critical Path bars?
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In order to change the color of Critical Path bars, go to the Project menu - Critical Path. After that, go to the Format menu and from the list, select "Critical Path". Change the color for the middle section and press "OK" for the changes to take effect.
How can I set the start date of the milestones to appear next to the bars?
Question Link
In order to set the start date of milestones to appear next to the bars, go to the Format menu - Bar Styles, select Milestones and click on "Text" tab. After that, from "Right" select "Start" and press "OK" for the changes to take effect.
How I can make the text left justified?
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We don't have the possibility to justify the text in our app but you can align the text. In order to do that, double click on a column header and from Align Title/Align Data, select the desired option (Left, Right, Center) and press "OK" for the changes to take effect.