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Can I sign out from Project Online?
Question Link
You can Sign Out from Project Online. In order to do that, go to the File menu, select Open then select the Project Server/Online cloud. In the file picker that appears, click Sign Out button from the upper right side of the dialog. If you want to sign in with a different account, first you must sign out and then sign in with the desired account.
How to sort the files and folders Project Online?
Question Link
To sort files in a different order, click one of the column headings in the file picker. For example, click Name to sort by file name. Click the column heading again to sort in the reverse order.
How to rename an existing project in Project Online?
Question Link
In order to rename an existing project from Project Online cloud, right-click on the project you want to rename and choose Rename option in the contextual menu. In the Rename Project dialog that appeared, enter the new name and click OK button.
How to create a new (empty) project in Project Online?
Question Link
In order to create a new project in Project Online cloud, click on New Project button, enter the name for the project you want to create in Create New Project dialog and click OK button or Enter key. The empty project will be created in the current directory with the entered name.
How to search for a file in Project Online?
Question Link
In order to search for a file in Project Online cloud file picker, in the search box from the right corner of the file picker start typing part of the file name you want to find. As you type, the results for your search will be shown.
Can I sign out from Dropbox?
Question Link
You can Sign Out from Dropbox. In order to do that, go to the File menu, select Open then select the Dropbox cloud. In the file picker that appears, click Sign Out button from the upper right side of the dialog. If you want to sign in with a different account, first you must sign out and then sign in with the desired account.
How to sort the files and folders in Dropbox?
Question Link
To sort files in a different order, click one of the column headings in the file picker. For example, click Name to sort by file name. Click the column heading again to sort in the reverse order.
How to create a new (empty) project in Dropbox?
Question Link
In order to create a new project in Dropbox cloud, click on New Project button, enter the name for the project you want to create in Create New Project dialog and click OK button or Enter key. The empty project will be created in the current directory with the entered name.
How to create a new folder in Dropbox?
Question Link
In order to create a new folder in Dropbox cloud, click on New Folder button, enter the name for the folder you want to create in Create New Folder dialog and click OK button or Enter key. The folder will be created in the current directory with the entered name.
How to search for a file in Dropbox?
Question Link
In order to search for a file in Dropbox cloud file picker, in the search box from the right corner of the file picker start typing part of the file name you want to find. As you type, the results for your search will be shown.
How to delete a project from Dropbox?
Question Link
In order to delete a project from Dropbox cloud, go to the File menu – Open – Dropbox. From the file picker, right-click on the file you want to remove and select Delete option from the contextual menu. Click Yes in the confirmation dialog.
Can I open a project saved on Dropbox?
Question Link

To access a project plan from Dropbox, click File - Open - Dropbox. Login if you are not authenticated yet. There are several ways to open a project from the Dropbox file picker:

  1. Double click on a project;
  2. Select a project and click Open button;
  3. Right-click on a project and select Open in contextual menu;
  4. Select a project and click Enter key.
Can I open a project saved on Box?
Question Link

To access a project plan from Box, click File - Open - Box. Login if you are not authenticated yet. There are several ways to open a project from the Box file picker:

  1. Double click on a project;
  2. Select a project and click “Open” button;
  3. Right-click on a project and select “Open” in contextual menu;
  4. Select a project and click “Enter” key.
Can I sign out from Box?
Question Link
You can Sign Out from Box. In order to do that, go to the File menu, select Open then select the Box cloud. In the file picker that appears, click Sign Out button from the upper right side of the dialog. If you want to sign in with a different account, first you must sign out and then sign in with the desired account.
How to sort the files and folders Box?
Question Link
To sort files in a different order, click one of the column headings in the file picker. For example, click Name to sort by file name. Click the column heading again to sort in the reverse order.
How to rename an existing project in Box?
Question Link

In order to rename an existing project from Box cloud, right-click on the project you want to rename and choose Rename option in the contextual menu. In the Rename Project dialog that appeared, enter the new name and click OK button.

How to create a new (empty) project in Box?
Question Link
In order to create a new project in Box cloud, click on New Project button, enter the name for the project you want to create in Create New Project dialog and click OK button or Enter key. The empty project will be created in the current directory with the entered name.
How to create a new folder in Box?
Question Link
n order to create a new folder in Box cloud, click on New Folder button, enter the name for the folder you want to create in Create New Folder dialog and click OK button or Enter key. The folder will be created in the current directory with the entered name.
How do I open a project from SharePoint Online?
Question Link

To connect to SharePoint Online you need to go to File - Open - SharePoint, choose SharePoint Site, enter the URL address of the SharePoint site, authenticate with your Microsoft account if not authenticated, select the desired project and click Open. There are several ways to open a project from the SharePoint Online file picker:

  1. Double click on a project;
  2. Select a project and click Open button;
  3. Right-click on a project and select Open in contextual menu;
  4. Select a project and click Enter key.
How to search for a file in Box?
Question Link
In order to search for a file in Box cloud file picker, in the search box from the right corner of the file picker start typing part of the file name you want to find. As you type, the results for your search will be shown.
Can I sign out from SharePoint Online?
Question Link
You can Sign Out from SharePoint Online. In order to do that, go to the File menu, select Open then select the SharePoint – SharePoint Site. In the file picker that appears, click Sign Out button from the upper right corner of the dialog. If you want to sign in with a different account, first you must sign out and then sign in with the desired account.
How to sort the files and folders SharePoint Online?
Question Link
To sort files in a different order, click one of the column headings in the file picker. For example, click Name to sort by file name. Click the column heading again to sort in the reverse order.
How to create a new (empty) project in SharePoint Online?
Question Link
In order to create a new project in SharePoint Online cloud, click on New Project button, enter the name for the project you want to create in Create New Project dialog and click OK button or Enter key. The empty project will be created in the current directory with the entered name.
How to create a new folder in SharePoint Online?
Question Link
In order to create a new folder in SharePoint Online cloud, click on New Folder button, enter the name for the folder you want to create in Create New Folder dialog and click OK button or Enter key. The folder will be created in the current directory with the entered name.
How to search for a file in SharePoint Online?
Question Link
In order to search for a file in SharePoint Online cloud file picker, in the search box from the right corner of the file picker start typing part of the file name you want to find. As you type, the results for your search will be shown.